Hongbiao Dong




Prof. Hongbiao Dong joined the Department of Engineering at the University of Leicester in 2004 from Imperial College London. He obtained his BEng and MEng degree from University of Science and Technology Beijing, and his PhD from theUniversity of Oxford.

The research in Prof. Dong’s team aims to bring knowledge-inspired decision making to the production routes of high value-added components, such as aero-engine turbine blades, deep-sea oil and gas transport systems. He is a specialist in metal processing, in particular in the areas of processing Ni-base alloys for gas turbine engines, welding techniques for deep sea gas and oil transportation systems. He has expertise in experiential and modelling study of structure evolution and defect formation during casting and welding. Experimental expertise includes industrial scale casting and the application ofsynchrotron and neutron diffraction/imaging of structure and stress during metal process; his modelling expertise ranges from atomistic-scale materials modelling to macro-scale casting and welding life prediction.

He is a member of Board of review (key reader) for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.

Prof. Dong has collaborated extensively with industry, working with Rolls-Royce, Tata Steel, TWI Ltd, NPL and Doncasters. Current projects focus on single crystal casting of gas turbine components, welding and heat treatment of linepipes for deep sea gas and oil transportation system, is currently leading an EU FP7 consortium (Mintweld) on modelling ofInterfaces for Materials Design and processing.