Recommendations to Address Barriers in CDIO Project-Based Courses

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Recommendations to Address Barriers in CDIO Project-Based Courses

D. Soderholm, M. Wedel, S. Andersson, K. Edström, P. Eles, M. Engström Recommendations to Address Barriers in CDIO Project-Based Courses. 27.

This report is presents the findings from an examination of several project-based courses at three universities in Sweden and one in the United States. Specifically the report contains recommendations for possible solutions to common barriers to teaching and learning in courses in which students work in pairs or groups to complete projects. In addition to recommendations, actual tools and resources are included to assist faculty who are planning or running project-based courses. (Dec. 2003)

Authors (New): 
Diane H. Soderholm
Maria Knutson Wedel
Sven Andersson
Kristina Edström
Petru Eles
Madelaine Engström
KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Sweden
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Project-based courses
CDIO adaptation
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