Lessons Learned from Design-Build Test-Based Project Courses

Lessons Learned from Design-Build Test-Based Project Courses

J. Malmqvist, P. Young, S. Hallström, J. Kuttenkeuler, T. Svensson (2004).  Lessons Learned from Design-Build Test-Based Project Courses. 8.

Projects in which students design, build and test a device are increasingly being used in education. In this paper, a number of design-build-test-based project courses are analyzed. Findings indicates that these experiences do not only train design skills but also effectively motivate students, integrate disciplinary subjects, and provide a platform for teaching non-technical skills such as communication. These learning events further receive very positive evaluations from students, faculty and industry. However, design-build-test tasks also require careful planning, different faculty competence and re-designed learning environments. The paper suggests a set of guidelines that help address these challenges in a course development process.

Authors (New): 
Johan Malmqvist
Peter W. Young
Stefan Hallström
Jakob Kuttenkeuler
Tomas Svensson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Engineering education
Project-based course
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