Experiences from Using Integrated Program Descriptions to Support Program Development

Experiences from Using Integrated Program Descriptions to Support Program Development

J. Malmqvist, M. Arehag (2007).  Experiences from Using Integrated Program Descriptions to Support Program Development. 17.

Integrated program descriptions constitute a framework for the information produced during a program development process, as well as to support the development process per se. An integrated program description describes the goals, content and structure of an educational program, and how these are connected. The intent is to provide the program director and other key stakeholders involved in the program development process with a set of tools that can facilitate their development process. In this paper, we describe how the concept of integrated program descriptions was applied in a multi-program development effort, the development of 44 new master programs at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden.













Authors (New): 
Johan Malmqvist
Marie Arehag
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Curriculum Development
integrated program descriptions
CDIO Syllabus
Bologna process
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