Designing Game Development Education – First Experiences of CDIO Implementations

Designing Game Development Education – First Experiences of CDIO Implementations

M. Luimula, J. Roslöf, J. Kontio (2013).  Designing Game Development Education – First Experiences of CDIO Implementations. 10.

Globally, the game industry is one of the most rapidly growing industrial sectors. Many  universities are forced to renew their curricula based on the needs of the game industry. For example, the Information and Communications Technology engineering field is educating more frequently than ever before new engineers for the game industry. These engineers will be working in a multidisciplinary field between art and technology. At the Turku University of Applied Sciences, the curriculum of Information Technology has for years been developed systematically based on the CDIO standards [1]. Now our curriculum will be further developed from various perspectives. In this paper, we will focus on Game Development as a new field of specialization in the curriculum. We will present how the field has been organized as a new part of our curriculum structure in Information Technology. The first students started in the Game Development field of specialization in autumn 2012. Before the first students graduat in 3-4 years, we have time to prepare and test systematically our specialization course development. This autumn, in the first phase of this preparation, we selected 15 students from the Digital Media field of specialization, who will be graduating next spring and have been educated based on CDIO methods from the first courses until now. In this paper, we will show our first CDIO implementations in game development. Six pilot projects made by these Digital Media students will be reported on in this paper.

Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 9 – 13, 2013.

Authors (New): 
Mika Luimula
Janne Roslöf
Juha Kontio
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
Game development
Curriculum Design
Serious Games
Problem-based learning
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