Using International Work-Pair in Engineering Education

Using International Work-Pair in Engineering Education

A. Piironen, H. Aoki (2013).  Using International Work-Pair in Engineering Education. 10.

International student work-pair practices have been established between Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland and Tokyo National College of Technology, Japan. In this paper we introduce an innovative learning approach by matching Japanese students with Finnish working pairs and give them a Design-Implement project to work together. During the exchange period, the students work together on the project. After the exchange period, both students will finalize their contribution to the project and represent the results on network meeting. We have found this very effective method to organize student exchange.

Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 9 – 13, 2013.

Authors (New): 
Antti K. Piironen
Hiroyuki Aoki
Tokyo National College of Technology, Japan
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
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