The 4th year Civil Engineering Design Project with CDIO Elements

The 4th year Civil Engineering Design Project with CDIO Elements

P. Lin, Y. Wang, G. Xiong (2006).  The 4th year Civil Engineering Design Project with CDIO Elements. 7.

CDIO principles are being adopted in the Civil Engineering program at Shantou University, where student design teams are now involved in the 4th year design project. In carrying out the project, students were encouraged to develop and practice teamwork skills, practical engineering, and application of integrated disciplinary and non-technical knowledge, all of which are called for in the CDIO standards. The process and features of the project are presented to illustrate the adoption of CDIO elements. Problems, conclusions and suggestions are also discussed.

2nd International CDIO Conference, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 13 – 14 June 2006

Authors (New): 
Peng Lin
Yingzi Wang
Guangjing Xiong
Shantou University, China
Civil Engineering
CDIO Initiative. “CDIO Initiative Homepage”., 2005. : 
Crawley, E. F. “The MIT CDIO Syllabus Report”. Technical Report, The CDIO Inititative,, 2002. : 
Brian Surgenor, Chris Mechefske, Urs Wyss and John Pelow, “Capstone Design – Experience with Industry Based Projects”, 1st Annual CDIO Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 7-8, 2005. : 
P. J. Armstrong, R. J. Kee, R. G. Kenny and G. Cunningham, “A CDIO APPROACH TO THE FINAL YEAR CAPSTONE PROJECT”, 1st Annual CDIO Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 7-8, 2005. : 
Gareth D Padfield, “FLIGHT HANDLING QUALITIES — A Problem-Based-Learning Module for Final Year Aerospace Engineering Students”, 1st Annual CDIO Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 7-8, 2005. : 
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