Integration of Different Competences in a Group Project in a Basic Course in Mechanics in Mechanical Engineering

Integration of Different Competences in a Group Project in a Basic Course in Mechanics in Mechanical Engineering

S. Olsson, B. Gross, F. Börjesson, C. Carlsson (2014).  Integration of Different Competences in a Group Project in a Basic Course in Mechanics in Mechanical Engineering. 11.

The introductory course in mechanics in the first year of the Product Design Engineering Program at Chalmers covers the topics of statics and introduction to particle dynamics. An essential part of the course is a group project and it is this project that will be presented here. Usually a project in a course in mechanics has a tendency to focus only on analytical and numerical treatment of a system that is given in advance. In this case, however, it is a completely open problem with no specific solution. The aim of the project, which can be described as a design-implement (or design- build) project, is to present a suggestion for a bridge (foot-passenger and cycling traffic) over one of the canals in Gothenburg. An important and unique feature, as distinguished from a fictive problem, is that the project in this way deals with a real problem since there are present plans for such bridges over the canals. The results of the project should be presented with sketches, presentation models, drawings and mechanical calculations on a simplified model. To support the working process a team of teachers from the areas of Applied Mechanics, Architecture, and Communication are working with the project, in order to integrate different competences. This integration supports the students in achieving the learning outcomes of the course, and this will be investigated in further detail here. Another important feature in the project is the time line for the working process, which, roughly speaking, divides the work in an internal phase (research, ideas, simple sketches etc.) and an external phase (presentation model, drawings, sketches of details etc.). This creates a creative atmosphere and also establishes a connection to the future professional role in terms of the working process and delivering results in the stipulated time. The results are presented at an official exhibition where each group gets feedback from their peers and, specifically, from the architecture, communication and applied mechanics teachers. In conclusion, the project contributes considerably in connecting learning objectives, activities and examination according to Constructive Alignment. The course evaluations also indicate that the students experience the project as positive, fun and challenging. It gives a connection between mechanics and the future professional role and it illustrates how calculations on very simplified models can be used in judging whether a construction is realistic or not. The course evaluations clearly indicate what can be summarized in the quotation “Fun to apply your knowledge on a realistic project. Now I know why we study mechanics and how to use it”.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

Authors (New): 
Sune Olsson
Björn Gross
Fia Börjesson
Carl Johan Carlsson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Engineering mechanics
Integrated competences in group project
Mathematical modelling
CDIO Standard 1
CDIO Standard 2
CDIO Standard 3
CDIO standard 4
CDIO Standard 5
CDIO Standard 6
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
CDIO Standard 9
CDIO Standard 10
CDIO Standard 11
CDIO Standard 12
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