CDIO and ABET accreditation – The Nanyang Polytechnic Experience

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

This paper describes how the adoption of the CDIO Initiative™ at the School of Engineering (SEG), Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), Singapore contributed to the recent ABETS accreditation of the Diploma in Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering.

In this paper, we first describe the rationale for adopting the CDIO Initiative™ in SEG and how it is aligned with our unique Teaching Factory concept (TF) and Contextual Teaching and Learning approach (CTL) to produce future-ready graduates with good technical, professional and interpersonal skills.

Next, we will share our experiences in using the 12 CDIO standards as guidelines for course programme evaluation and a framework for continuous improvement since 2011. The CDIO annual evaluation process has paved the way for our preparation in meeting the ABET criteria. The areas of improvement identified through the annual evaluation process include the review of the internal assessments for the implementation of course objectives and learning outcomes, demonstration of continuous improvement cycle, the development of a course curriculum map, the improvements made to the module assessment components and assessment plan, the establishment of rubrics and other indirect methods to quantify various outcomes which cannot be measured using direct methods, the implementation of the Introduction to Engineering module, as well as enhancing the capability of our lecturers’ CDIO and teaching skills.

Finally, we conclude that while CDIO played a key role in meeting the ABET criteria; the success of the accreditation within a short span of time is shaped by the strategic foundation for NYP organisational excellence - Culture, Concept, Capability and Connection/Collaboration.

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

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