H. Gelten, B. Aalderink, R. van Leeuwen, M. van Geloven, S. Corporaal, Y. Hajimolana (2023).  A CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR HYDROGEN DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION. 555-566.

The University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, ROC of Twente (vocational education), centre of expertise TechYourFuture and the H2Hub Twente, in which various regional hydrogen interested corporations are involved, work together to shape a learning community (LC) for the development of innovative hydrogen technology. The cooperation between company employees, researchers and students provides a means to jointly work on solutions for real-life problems within the energy transition. This involves a cross-chain collaboration of technical programs, professorships and (field) experts, supported by human capital specialists. In the LC, a decentralized hydrogen production unit with storage of green hydrogen is designed and built. The main question for this research is: how can the design and construction process of an alkaline electrolyzer be arranged in a challenge based LC in which students, company employees (specialists) and researchers can learn, innovate, build-up knowledge and benefit?

In this project the concept of a LC is developed and implemented in collaboration with companies and knowledge institutions at different levels. The concrete steps are described below:

  1. Joint session between Human Resource and Development (HRD) specialists and engineers / researchers to explore the important factors for a LC. The results of this session will be incorporated into a blueprint for the LC by the human capital specialists.
  2. The project is carried out according to the agreements of the blueprint. The blueprint is continuously updated based on the periodic reflections and observed points for improvement.
  3. Impact interviews and periodic reflection review the proceeding of the LC in this engineering process.

The first impact interview reveals that the concept of the LC is very beneficial for companies. It increases overall knowledge on hydrogen systems, promotes cooperation and connection with other companies and aids to their market proposition as well. Students get the opportunity to work in close contact with multiple company professionals and build up a network of their own. Also the cooperation with students from different disciplines broadens their view as a professional, something which is difficult to achieve in a mono-disciplinary project.

Authors (New): 
Hans Gelten
Benno Aalderink
Richard van Leeuwen
Mirte Disberg-van Geloven
Stephan Corporaal
Yashar Hajimolana
Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Enschede, Netherlands
University of Twente, Netherlands
Hydrogen development
hydrogen applications
Learning Communities
CDIO Standard 2
CDIO Standard 5
CDIO Standard 6
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
CDIO Standard 9
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