A Course of Engineering System Design For Civil Engineering Students


Being one of four main courses from “Abilities-Attitudes-Knowledge” integration teaching system, at ShanTou UniversitySTU, a course called “Engineering System Design” for Civil Engineering students was first time built up in China in 2009. This is a PBL for the 4th year students. 3~4 persons composed of a team. Based on their earlier finished Project Planning, Architectural Design, Structural and Geotechnical Design result for a project, each team continued to do a Construction Organization Design. And then the following task was Project Evaluation including the analysis on the market, financing, financial & national benefits and risk. A Summary-report to review the whole project work and amend mistakes was required as one part of the project work. In order to more effectively promote CDIO engineering abilities, each teaching-procedure was detailed as workable “actions” in the syllabus. As learning results, it showed that the project practice is the key point to promote students’ abilities in their service to the real engineering society system. This paper studied teaching method and learning outcomes. The existing problems and the future improvements were discussed as well.


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