Educating Engineers For Research-Based Innovation – Creating The Learning Outcomes Framework

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Educating Engineers For Research-Based Innovation – Creating The Learning Outcomes Framework

E. Crawley, K. Edström, T. Stanko (2013).  Educating Engineers For Research-Based Innovation – Creating The Learning Outcomes Framework. 14.


Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a newly established graduate university in Moscow, Russia, with the knowledge triangle mission to educate students, advance knowledge, and foster innovation in order to address critical scientific, technological, and innovation challenges and gaps facing Russia and the world. Educational programs will therefore be designed to foster the graduate qualities that are needed for research, innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to develop a broad consensus around the educational mission of Skoltech, we engaged stakeholders to better understand their needs and the appropriate mission of Skoltech education in the triple helix ecosystem. Preliminary high-level learning outcomes were formulated, drawing on a workshop with stakeholders and on reference frameworks, among them the CDIO Syllabus. The preliminary learning outcomes were discussed in depth with stakeholders from industry, universities, research institutes and governmental organizations in Russia, EU and USA. This paper analyses the input from 38 stakeholders and presents the resulting Skoltech Learning Outcomes Framework.

Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 9 – 13, 2013. 


Authors (New): 
Edward F. Crawley
Kristina Edström
Tanya Stanko
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia
learning outcomes
stakeholder analysis
education for innovation
post-graduate education
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