Implementation of CDIO Initiative Approach at a Russian Regional University



To develop the international profile of a Russian university graduate that meets the quality standards and corresponds to modern trends of global high education development, not only future specialist, but also academic staff should change their way of thinking. High school should take the practical initiative, by implementing complex approach, which promotes development of competencies on the basis of, scientific as well as innovative and practical component of university activities. It permits enhancing potential and quality of the knowledge, acquired by the students.

The article considers issues, emerging in a regional Russian university, starting to design educational program, following the principles of Worldwide CDIO Initiative approach. The reasons for Russian Federal State Educational Standard failure to meet international level requirements were identified.

The article dwells on several directions of developing teacher competences, such as carrying out seminars with participation of experts experienced in the sphere of CDIO methodology; the university teachers’ studying on master courses organized jointly with the foreign universities of the USA and France; as well as in the framework of “Lean Production and 6 Sigma” course.

Proceedings of the 9th International CDIO Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 9 – 13, 2013. 


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