Inspiring the Inner Entrepreneur in Students: A Case Study of Entrepreneurship Studies in TUAS

Inspiring the Inner Entrepreneur in Students: A Case Study of Entrepreneurship Studies in TUAS

J. Kontio (2010).  Inspiring the Inner Entrepreneur in Students: A Case Study of Entrepreneurship Studies in TUAS. 10.


This paper introduces a case study of the entrepreneurship studies in the Faculty of Telecommunication and e-Business at Turku University of Applied Sciences. There are three levels of entrepreneurship studies in our faculty: a) What is entrepreneurship? –to raise the awareness and motivation towards entrepreneurship, b) Student co-operatives and Support centres for training the students with the skills to manage and run business and c) Become and entrepreneur. We describe existing recommendations for higher education to organize entrepreneurship and also reflect our solutions to these recommendations. 


Authors (New): 
Juha Kontio
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
case study
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
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