Integrated Assessment of Disciplinary, Personal, and Interpersonal Skills in a Design-Build Course

Integrated Assessment of Disciplinary, Personal, and Interpersonal Skills in a Design-Build Course

K. Edström, K. Gaidi, S. Hallström, J. Kuttenkeuler (2005).  Integrated Assessment of Disciplinary, Personal, and Interpersonal Skills in a Design-Build Course. 9.

Integrated assessment of functional disciplinary knowledge and personal and interpersonal performance is discussed in the context of a final-year design-build course. The course is intended to consolidate disciplinary knowledge through individual and teamwork efforts in an authentic design-build project. There is a coupling between approaching the task and practicing personal and interpersonal competencies.

We believe that personal, interpersonal and disciplinary knowledge are mutually supportive and learned together. The learning objectives do therefore explicitly include knowledge, skills and attitudes related to personal, interpersonal and product and system building skills, as well as disciplinary skills. Since the assessment should reflect the course objectives a procedure for integrated assessment of the above mentioned competences was developed.

Authors (New): 
Kristina Edström
Khalid El Gaidi
Stefan Hallström
Jakob Kuttenkeuler
KTH Royal Institute of Technology,Sweden
Design-build course
Integrated assessment
personal and interpersonal performance
peer assessment
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