Volume 2, pp.296-306

Engineering education at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is in the process of changing from instruction and teacher-based education to inquiry- and challenge-based education, where students are challenged to solve open-ended problems in collaboration with stakeholders in the field of science and technology (Eindhoven University of Technology, 2018) and hence the teacher’s role becomes that of a coach. To determine students’ learning gains in both traditional and innovative education (i.e., challenge-based learning) at TU/e, we formulated the following research question: Which (kinds of) learning gains do engineering students perceive in challenge-based learning versus traditional learning? To answer this question, we interviewed 13 students from “science” studies (e.g., Applied Mathematics), “core engineering” studies (e.g., Mechanical Engineering), and “social engineering” studies (e.g., Sustainable Innovation) about their perceived learning gains in traditional as compared to challenge-based courses. We used a new tool, “pie chart drawing,” to elicit students’ self-reported learning gains. Furthermore, we investigated students’ reflections on the learning trajectory “Responsible innovation in a global context” to get deeper insights into learning gains in a challenge-based learning trajectory. The results showed that students perceived learning gains regarding their disciplinary conceptual and procedural knowledge, general cognitive learning, affect and thoughts related to learning, skills on teamwork and communication, and knowledge and skills about enterprise and business. Learning gains that were mostly obtained in traditional courses focused on disciplinary conceptual and procedural knowledge. Learning gains in challenge-based courses stimulated students’ teamwork skills and collaboration with outside stakeholders (e.g., companies; institutes). General cognitive learning, communication with other students, and affect and thoughts related to learning were acquired in both traditional and challenge-based courses. The implications for CDIO related principles and engineering education, in general, will be discussed.
