Pathway Of Development In CDIO At Kemi-Tornio University Of Applied Sciences

Pathway Of Development In CDIO At Kemi-Tornio University Of Applied Sciences

L. Kantola\, S. Mäkimurto-Koivumaa (2012).  Pathway Of Development In CDIO At Kemi-Tornio University Of Applied Sciences. 17.

The goal of the paper is to study the development process of engineering education at a small HEI (higher education institution), Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences (KTUAS), towards the standards of CDIO. The school is situated in the Digipolis Technology Park. The analyses of the operational environment of KTUAS show the significant role a university can take especially in the development on the innovation space and the knowledge space of a region.

Renewing and developing engineering education requires new pedagogical approaches. Based on other research done, it has become more evident that action-based learning and experimental elements should be studied to form the basis for developing the competences needed in working life. It is argued in this paper that the CDIO skills specified as part of the

CDIO standards (Syllabus) can be developed through action based learning methods as well. Action based and experimental engineering education requires well working learning facilities. Engineering school building was renovated during 2010 and 2011. The CDIO standard number 6 was taken into account in the renovation project. This paper presents some of the main changes in the physical learning environment. It also clarifies how the 6th standard is understood at KTUAS. Traditional learning spaces (e.g. classrooms) and engineering workspaces (e.g. laboratories) are discussed.

Ways to promote CDIO and familiarize students, staff and stakeholders with CDIO is one important thing to consider. Education development work is often carried out by people who already work within education itself (e.g. teachers). Therefore, lots of people still do not know much about CDIO. It is self-evident that the educational context should be agreed on and properly understood by all. This paper shows how information on CDIO has been shared and published so far. Several channels can be used and special attention should be paid to social networks and other interactive media.

Authors (New): 
Lauri Kantola\
Soili Mäkimurto-Koivumaa
Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Finland
education development
Learning Spaces
information sharing channel
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