Peer Instruction: Signals and Systems class in an Engineering program, a case of study.

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

Some universities in the world have Signals and Systems class, as essential in the curriculum in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Despite its importance, this class has been taught for a long time using the traditional way, a teacher’s lecture in front of the students. This may be because of the topics covered in this class, including: high mathematical content with a large number of equations, prior knowledge of multiple concepts in different areas and it is the basis for subsequent classes in which it is easier to deal closest to practical application concepts, which carries a high level of demand for students with low assimilation of concepts, in the opinion of some teachers. To overcome these challenges and expecting to increase student motivation and commitment, two years ago, has been implemented a methodology based on Peer Instruction, which is inspired by Professor Eric Mazur in introductory physics at Harvard University, but has been adapted to the conditions and requirements of the Signals and Systems class. In this paper, also show the results obtained so far, with upgrades and achievements, as the details of the implemented methodology. Modifications and adaptations to the original model had to make because of the budget available, some technological constraints, but also to take advantage of opportunities that arose during the course are also presented. Standard 8 in CDIO is a key element in our project, with modules that involve self-study, individual testing, teamwork, group testing, oral presentation and practical development. Finally, this experience has been used with different types of tools and support, so that people or teachers wishing to replicate and adapt to their reality, can use alternatives involving different types of technological development and budget, but which can obtain similar results.

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

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