Project-Based Learning With Step-Up Method Take Cdio Abilities Cultivation In Computer Specialty For Example

Project-Based Learning With Step-Up Method Take Cdio Abilities Cultivation In Computer Specialty For Example

D. Jiang, J. Lin (2012).  Project-Based Learning With Step-Up Method Take Cdio Abilities Cultivation In Computer Specialty For Example. 7.

CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) is a kind of learning based on the whole process of an engineering project as well as a revolution against the lecture-oriented teaching model. The objective of CDIO is to teach the basic concepts and disciplines of engineering in the context of hands-on exercises where students have the opportunity to manipulate concrete objects and ground abstract thought in experience. CDIO, however, does not make explicit mention of operation and design method for students’ projects in project-based learning (an important part of CDIO). There is little guidance or consideration around operation and design method, and enablers of manipulability, adaptability and diversity for CDIO projects. Therefore, this paper analyzes the problems of project-based learning with CDIO in computer specialty of Shantou University. Then, for training and exercising students’ engineering practice ability adequately and effectively, a new method named as project-based learning with step-up method is presented in this paper.

Project-based learning with step-up method divided the traditional project-based learning into four phases projects, which are level 1 projects, level 2 projects, Sci-tech Innovation projects and Social projects. The results of questionnaires supported our hypothesis. Firstly, Project-based learning with step-up method could make significance impacts on technical study and students’ subjective initiative; secondly, the new method is better able to cultivate the CDIO abilities of students compared with traditional projects setting. After reform practice, we believed that Sci-tech Innovation projects and Social projects is a valuable supplement to initial projects in terms of technical study, subjective initiative and abilities cultivation in computer specialty of Shantou University. The method presented in this paper may be useful for educators who desire to promote the CDIO projects for students of computer specialty or other engineering specialties.


Authors (New): 
Dazhi Jiang
Jiali Lin
Shantou University, China
Project-Based Learning
Abilities Cultivation
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