Reformation and Practice of Operating System Course Based on CDIO Teaching Mode

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

The course content of operating system is highly theoretical and closely related to application; it attaches special importance to cultivate students’ ability of engineering practice. The traditional learning mode places great emphasis on theoretical knowledge learning, but ignores the practical application of capacity-building. In connection with the characteristics and problems of operating system course, CDIO teaching ideas were introduced into the course teaching. They are used for organization principles of project-based teaching and for problem-solving learning method. In this way, theories were grasped in practice and practice was guided by theories. Through the reform practice of course content, teaching methods, practical environment, nurturing of teaching staff and course evaluation, students were guided to explore actively and solve problems to improve their practical ability, innovation ability and team spirit. The training objective of high-level application-oriented talents was achieved. First, a "strong kernel, soft shell" courses schema was established. "Strong kernel" is the basic theory used to guide practice, including the core operating system and stable theory and method. "Soft shell" content comprised of new knowledge such as multi-nuclear processor and Android operating system promoted theory learning in a practice way. Students were assisted to master the basic knowledge of operating system and obtain development capacity through team project design. Second, teaching methods of active learning and practice were implemented. A platform for independent learning was built. Bilingual education in awareness and accessibility was introduced. Course races were actively carried out. Students were led from passive to active exploration by a variety of learning styles such as project/problem based learning, inquiry-based learning, research & teaching fusion learning, case teaching, etc. Third, CDIO real training environment was created. "Yanshan University-Intel mulit-nuclear technology laboratory" and "Yanshan University-Industrial and Information Department mobile Internet innovation center" were founded. Basic knowledge, personal capacity, team collaboration and social environment were fused in together under the background of enterprise and society. CDIO learning target, analysis and thinking of important theory, problems from students were regarded as the core content of the guide book designed for team projects. Quality training was provided to students and their understanding of theoretical knowledge was deepened. Fourth, staff training for strong engineering practical ability was constructed. Teachers were sent to companies for engineering training to gain practical experience. Experienced engineers acquainted with theory were invited to our college as part-time teacher. Teaching team of school teachers and company experts was formed to help students acquire knowledge and enhance their general engineering capacity. At last, theory & practice assessment was implemented. Basic knowledge, basic personal capacity, interpersonal capacity and system construction capacity of students were included in course assessment. In team project design assessment, project group was regarded as assessment unit. Project design scores were given by oral defense and submitting project report. Students’ career capacity of team collaboration, communication and language expression was trained in this assessment. Students’ practical and research learning ability can be reflected throughout the assessment results. Assessments were held throughout the teaching process to improve students’ consciousness and initiative of learning.

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

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