Strengthening Knowledge Structures Using Psychomotor Learning in a Manufacturing Processes Course

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

The development of psychomotor skills of engineering students is important in order to augment the traditional classroom learning experience. A manufacturing processes laboratory can assist students in developing a deeper understanding for the traditional topics covered as part of a manufacturing processes course. These include topics such as chip deformation, material or tool speed, and feed rates. By carefully designing the student implement-operate project, multi-impact learning experiences can also be realized. These multi-impact learning experiences can help build knowledge structures that extend beyond manufacturing processes to include topics such as material selection, design for manufacturing, communication through engineering drawings, and other engineering topics.

In addition to the development of the cognitive domain, other learning opportunities exist by exploring the psychomotor domain. An immediate extension of the psychomotor involves the application of forces and moments to either the tool or workpiece during a manufacturing process. These psychomotor experiences can help enlighten students to processes such as chatter, mechanical backlash, or bending. Furthermore, by carefully selecting implement-operate projects that involve the psychomotor domain during testing, it is possible to expand learning into other subject areas. By combining both the cognitive and psychomotor, student knowledge structures can be strengthened.

The paper describes the 5-year evolution of the manufacturing processes laboratory, including the development of a cost-effective implement-operate project. Feedback obtained suggests that student knowledge structures have been strengthened. This has consisted of observations stemming from a post-requisite course, Capstone Design, where students have demonstrated an improved understanding of the coupling between manufacturing and design. Positive comments have also been received from industry, mainly in relation to graduates having an improved understanding for both manufacturing and design.

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

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