Teaching Reform and Strategy in Specialized English of Optoelectronic Technology

Teaching Reform and Strategy in Specialized English of Optoelectronic Technology

Z. Xu, D. Wen, H. Huangfu, H. Wang (2015).  Teaching Reform and Strategy in Specialized English of Optoelectronic Technology. 11.

With the rapid development of science and technology and the high demand for high-tech products, optoelectronic technology and its products have been spotted everywhere in people's daily life and work. As the successor and disseminator of optoelectronic technology, the Chinese undergraduates and graduates majored in optoelectronic technology need to master the international frontier technology and the current development trends. It is extremely critical for them to be engaged in the ESP of optoelectronic technology. Based on the CDIO engineering education idea, the paper explores the reform road map and strategy for ESP of optoelectronic technology, then summarizes the concrete reform’s measures on constructing curriculum framework, setting different levels for ability requirements and evaluating the application of project-based teaching modes. The paper analyzes the reform effect based on the feedback from students graduating in recent three years, and then discusses values and feasibility of promoting it nationwide. It provides the experience for the reform of ESP Teaching in the colleges and universities, and lays the foundation for training the better talents under the new situation.

Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China, June 8-11 2015

Authors (New): 
Zhaopeng Xu
Dong Wen
Huichao Huangfu
Haiyan Wang
Yanshan University, China
optoelectronic technology
Specialized English
teaching reform
CDIO Standard 2
CDIO Standard 3
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
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