Updated Rubric for Self-evaluation (v.2.1)

Updated Rubric for Self-evaluation (v.2.1)

J. Bennedsen, F. Georgsson, J. Kontio (2016).  Updated Rubric for Self-evaluation (v.2.1). 14.

For several years the CDIO initiative have been asking institutions and programmes to do a self-evaluation in order to support the continued improvement of the CDIO implementation at the institution/programme.

The process of creating the CDIO self-evaluation rubric was done in 2007 - 2010. Two of the three authors took part in the final evaluation of the rubric used for the self-evaluation.

Now five years have passed and we have had real experience with using the rubric for several times and several programmes at our three institutions.

In the last two years, we have undertaken the task of updating the rubric. This work has involved questionnaires send out to all CDIO members as well as workshops where the participants should comment on different suggested wordings of the rubric. It has been an iterative process with the goal 1) to make the rubric easier to understand but keep the size of the rubric, 2) to ensure that all criteria were in alignment with the general levels, and 3) to remember the goal of the rubs: institutions can self-evaluate (it is not an assessment tool).The work is partly is documented in (Georgsson, Kontio & Bennedsen 2015; Bennedsen, Georgsson & Kontio 2014)

The article will describe the process and evaluate the suggested update of the rubric based on inputs from a workshop held at the CDIO 2016 world meeting in Chengdu and describe a new version of the rubric.

References Updating the CDIO self-evaluation rubrics (2015) Georgsson, Fredrik; Kontio, Juha, Bennedsen, Jens;. Proceedkings of the 11th Internaional CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China

Evaluating the CDIO Self-Evaluation. (2014) Bennedsen, Jens; Georgsson, Fredrik; Kontio, Juha. Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference. Barcelona, Spain

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

Authors (New): 
Jens Bennedsen
Fredrik Georgsson
Juha Kontio
Aarhus University, Denmark
Umeå University, Sweden
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
Self-assessment rubric
quality assessment
continuous improvement
CDIO rubric
CDIO standards
CDIO Standard 12
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