Using Personas to Guide Education Needs Analysis and Program Design

Using Personas to Guide Education Needs Analysis and Program Design

A. Yström, L. Peterson, B. von Sydow, J. Malmqvist (2010).  Using Personas to Guide Education Needs Analysis and Program Design. 13.


The undergraduate programs within electrical engineering, computer science and engineering and software engineering at Chalmers are currently under revision. Some notable problems for these programs are the long-term trends of diminishing number of applications and a low share of female students. 

This paper first describes the stakeholder’s needs analysis phases of the project, where current occupational roles for these types of engineers were mapped out in order to find out what knowledge skills and attributes that are necessary to work as an engineer in this field. These occupational roles were then used to guide the program concept design phase of the project. 


Authors (New): 
Anna Yström
Lena Peterson
Björn von Sydow
Johan Malmqvist
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
occupational roles
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