Jorge Antonio Garcia

Head of Computing Systems Engineering


  • Entrepreneurship and Product Development
  • Active Learning Methodologies: Peer Instruction, Case Method, Project Based Learning
  • Web Applications: MVC, Cloud Computing, Web 2.0
  • Programming and Programming Languages
  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Important dates

  • 1981 Birth
  • 1986-1996 Lycée Franco-Hondurien
  • 1991-1999 Swimmer, Honduran National Team 100M Butterfly, XXIII Panamerican Games (Winnipeg, CA)
  • 1996-2001 Computing Systems Engineer, UNITEC - Honduras
  • 2000-2001 Technical Support Engineer, Grupo POPA - Honduras
  • 2001-2004 Systems Analyst and Software Project Manager - Real Systems, Honduras / Atlanta US
  • 2003-Infinity Husband and Father
  • 2004-2006 M.Sc. Intelligent Systems Design - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • 2006-Present Teaching:  C++ Programming, Data Structures and Programming Languages, UNITEC, Honduras
  • 2006-2007 Regional Coordinator of Computing Systems Engineering, UNITEC San Pedro Sula, Honduras
  • 2007-Present Head of Computing Systems Engineering, UNITEC, Honduras
  • 2007-Present Leader of Active Learning Program Seneca and CDIO Initiative at UNITEC