Teaching and Learning: Design and Implementation Help

Once a baseline is established and design goals have been identified and prioritized, designing and implementing active and integrated learning strategies can begin. Such strategies are essential components of any CDIO program.

Re-engineering Aerodynamics Education David Darmofal Download (.pdf 264K)

Enhancing Conceptual Understanding David Darmofal Download (.pdf 172K)

  • The above two reports on teaching methods for conceptual understanding are intended to be used as references, and to provide motivation for faculty contemplating the use of active learning and integrated learning strategies to enhance conceptual understanding.

Adoption of Active Learning in Lecture-based Engineering Classes Steven Hall, Ian Waitz, Doris Brodeur, Diane Soderholm, Reem Nasr Download (.pdf 116K)

  • This report focuses on the change process of integrating active learning strategies into a traditional lecture-based multidisciplinary course, called Unified Engineering. The description of the evolu­tion of active learning is intended to underscore the motivation and incen­tives required for bringing about the change, and the support needed for sustaining and disseminating active learning approaches among the instructors.

Active Learning Through Group Dialogue in a Project-Based Course on Environmentally Adapted Product Development Maria Knutson-Wedel Download (.pdf 268K)

  • This paper describes experiences of active learning through project based learning in combination with group dialogue between students. The learning approach was applied in an elective course about environmentally adapted design of products given by the Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology for third and fourth year students. The aim was to implement more reflective teaching and learning, moving the focus from a procedural approach to reflection and conversation for gaining understanding and perception.

Student Misconception in Signals and Systems and their Origins Reem Nasr, Steven Hall, Peter Garik Download (.pdf 64K)

  • This is a report on an ongoing investigation about student misconceptions and their origins within the Signals and Systems module taught in the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Fifty-four clinical interviews were conducted to assess student understanding of introductory linear circuits. The interview transcripts were analyzed, physical and mathematical misconceptions were identified, and their sources were ex­amined. Suggestions are given to develop more effective pedagogical instruments designed to enhance student learning.

Muddiest Part in the Lecture (Muddy Cards) Download (.pdf 8K)

Immediate In-class Feedback and Personal Response System Download (.pdf 936K)

  • These two short documents are intended to be used as quick summaries of teaching techniques that have been, or are in the process of being adopted for use in one or more CDIO programs. They can be used by faculty who want to get a quick idea or primer in how to use the technique, or as a starting point to find out more about the strategy and its use.

Recommendations to Address Barriers in CDIO Project-Based Courses Diane Soderholm, Maria Knutson-Wedel, Sven Andersson, Kristina Edström, Madelaine Engström, Petru Eles Download (.doc 264K)

  • This report is the result of a large investigation regarding problems that can be encountered when preparing and giving project-based courses, which are prime examples of integrated learning experiences. The report provides an understanding of the common barriers encountered during such courses, and more importantly, provides recommendations for overcoming the problems. It is intended as a support for faculty involved in planning or delivering such courses as part of CDIO programs.

Workshop on Learning for New Students Madelaine Engström, Download (.ppt 200K)

Learning to Learn Kristina Edström Download (.ppt 236K)

  • Delivering workshops to teaching staff and students is an essential part of introducing and running a CDIO program. The overall purpose of having workshops on learning strategies, motivation, and study habits for new students is to start a process of reflecting and questioning learning techniques and education in general. The workshops should also influence the students to work together, form groups, and develop the ability to put demands on their teachers and their education.