Introductory CDIO Syllabus and Standards videos

Introductory CDIO Syllabus and Standards Videos 

At the core of CDIO lies its syllabus and its standards. These are presented one-by-one in short videos below. 

CDIO Syllabus [4:01]

Standard 1 – The Context [2:34]

Standard 2 – Learning Outcomes [2:15]

Standard 3 – Integrated Curriculum [4:32]

Standard 4 – Introduction to Engineering [2:19]

Standard 5 – Design-Implement Experiences [4:01]

Standard 6 – Engineering Learning Workspaces [1:59]

Standard 7 – Integrated Learning Experiences [4:00]

Standard 8 – Active Learning [3:07] 

Standards 9 & 10 – Enhancing Faculty Competence, Enhancing Faculty Teaching Competence [2:27]

Standard 11 – Learning Assessment [2:16]

Standard 12 – Program Evaluation [2:37]

Special thanks to Singapore Polytechnic’s Department of Educational Development:
Cheah Sin Moh (Lead), Ng Li Li (Video editor and Voice over), and Helene Leong, Steven Tok, Christopher Tan and Mark Nivan Singh for their assistance and support.