2011 - Proceedings of the 7th International CDIO Conference

Proceedings of the 7th International CDIO Conference, Lyngby, Denmark, 20-22 June 2011 

Year: 2011

Editor: Martin Vigild

Institution: DTU Technical University of Denmark

Table of Contents

A Basic Design-Build-Test Experience: Model Wind Turbine Using Additive Manufacture

       M. Widden, A. Rennie, S. Quayle, K. Gunn

A CDIO Approach to Curriculum Design of Five Engineering Programs at UCSC

      S. Loyer, M. Muñoz, C. Cárdenas, C. Martínez, M. Cepeda, V. Faúndez

A Comparison Of Strategies To Encourage Regular Study And Foster Deep Learning

       S. Dore

A Concept For A Bachelor Program In Electrical Engineering

       C. Kjærgaard, P. Brauer, J. Andersen

A Course on Applied Superconductivity Shared by Four Departments

       B. Jensen, A. Abrahamsen, M. Sørensen, J. Hansen

A Design Build Activity For A “Design Build” Course

       C. Rode, J. Christensen, C. Simonsen

A Knowledge/Skills/Competence Descriptor Based Graduate Grading System for CDIO Programs

      A. Costa, A. Martins

A Learning Science Foundation for Project-Based Learning in Engineering

       R. Niewoehner, E. Crawley, J. Koster, T. Simpson

A Model For The Development Of A CDIO Based Curriculum In Electrical Engineering

       E. Bruun, C. Kjærgaard

A Real CDIO Mechanical Engineering Project In 4th Semester

       A. Lauritsen

A Spiral And Discipline-Oriented Curriculum In Medical Imaging

       J. Wilhjelm, L. Hansona, K. Henneberg, J. Jensen, R. Larsen, L. Højgaard

Activating Deep Approach To Learning In Large Classes Through Quizzes

       M. Knutson Wedel

Active Learning In Large Classes

       I. Gørtz

Active Student Care – Lowering Student Dropout

       J. Bennedsen

Air Pump – Improvement Of A ‘Skyscraper-Type’ Exercise For Mechanical Engineering Programs

       G. Cloutier

An Approach To Foster Integrative Skills During The Engineering Studies

       L. Elmquist, G. Johansson

An Attempt To Handle The Calculus Problem 

       F. Abrahamsson

An Evaluation Of Active Learning Strategies Applied To Engineering Mathematics 

       C. McCartan, T. McNally, P. Hermon

An Innovative Approach To Develop Students’ Industrial Problem Solving Skills

       R. Seidel, M. Shahbazpour, D. Walker, A. Shekar, C. Chambers

An Introductory Course For Software Engineers

       F. Georgsson, J. Pettersson

An Observational Study Of Infusing Design Thinking Into The CDIO Framework

       S. Fai

Assessment - Different Methods of Program Evaluation

       H. Wivel, B. Besenbacher

Cdio And Resources - Can We Do It On The Cheap ?

       G. Thomson, M. Prince

CDIO Experience For New Faculty: Integrating Cdio Skills Into A Statistics Module

       P. Chua, S. Cheah, M. Singh

CDIO Projects In Civil Engineering Study Program At DTU

       A. Krogsbøll, C. Simonsen, J. Christensen, T. Larsen, P. Goltermann, H. Koss

CDIO Projects In DTU’s B.Eng. In Electronics Study Programme

       C. Kjærgaard, P. Brauer, J. Andersen

CDIO Projects in DTU’s B.Eng. in IT Study Program 

       J. Sparsø, T. Bolander, P. Fischer, T. Høgh, M. Nyborg, C. Probst

CDIO Projects in DTU’s Chemical and Biochemical B.Eng. Study Program

       K. Clement, P. Harris, Y. Agersø

CDIO Standards & Quality Assurance: From Application to Accreditation

       P. Gray

CDIO Syllabus Survey: Systems Engineering an Engineering Education for Government 

       R. Niewoehner

CDIO – The Steam Engine Powering The Electric Grid

       C. Træholt, J. Holbøll, O. Thomsen, C. Kjærgaard

Christmas Lights Student Project

       L. Kantola, A. Petäjäjärvi, M. Saastamoinen, M. Räisänen, J. Virtanen

Communication in Engineering Education: A New Way of Looking at Integrated Learning Activities and Forms of Communication

       I. Klasén

Complexity in Design of Digital Systems: Active Learning with Puzzles

       A. Forero, J. Giraldo, A. González, J. Uribe, M. Ruiz, F. Viveros

Concept Questions in Engineering: The Beginnings of a Shared Collection

       P. Goodhew

Construction Of Ecocars And Windturbine Cars Following The CDIO Principle

       J. Schramm, R. Mikkelsen

Constructive Alignment (CA) For Degree Projects – Intended Learning Outcomes, Teaching & Assessment

       J. Malmqvist, M. Wedel, M. Enelund

Course on Advanced Analytical Chemistry and Chromatography 

       J. Andersen, P. Fristrup, K. Nielsen, P. Hägglund, J. Sloth, K. Jankova

Critical Self-Reflections On The Classical Teaching Culture In Engineering

       G. Svedberg

Culture In Engineering Education CDIO Framing Intercultural Competences

       B. Hoffmann, U. Jørgensen, H. Christensen

Curriculum Development For Clean Technology

       K. Silja, H. Lassi, M. Irma

Curriculum Integration: Twinning of a Core Chemical Engineering Module with a Teamwork & Communication Module

       J. Yau, S. Cheah

Delft Aerospace Engineering Integrated Curriculum

       A. Kamp

Design of the Basic Engineering Project subject for the second year of Electrical Engineering at Telecom BCN

       R. Bragós, E. Alarcón, J. Pegueroles, A. Camps, A. Oliveras, M. García-Hernández

Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Dynamic Simulation Using An Explicit Model Of Thinking

       D. Sale S. Cheah

Developing Engineering Design Core Competences Through Analysis Of Industrial Products

       C. Hansen, T. Lenau

Developing Open Source System Expertise In Europe (DOSSEE)

       M. Nyborg, F. Gustafsson, J. Christensen

Developing Undergraduate Projects In Multinational Teams To Enhance Employability

       N. Escudeiro, P. Escudeiro, A. Barata, C. Lobo, M. Duarte, A. Costa

Does An Association Between Student Evaluations Of Related CDIO Courses Exist?

       B. Ersbøll, T. Sliusarenko, L. Clemmensen

Effect of Reflective Assessment on Internalisation of CDIO Principles

       M. Al-Atabi, W. Wan

Embedded DSP Intensive Project 2010

       A. Piironen, J. Vesanen, M. Blake, J. Evans, P. Abatis, M. Jungke

Engineering Reasoning and Visualization As Analysis - Tools For BOP Design

       M. Eggermont

Entrepreneurship In Engineering: Bridging The Gap Between Academia And Industry

       J. Koster, D. Hillery, C. Humbargar, E. Serani, A. Velazco

Evidence For Excellence In Internationalization & Mobility - A Self Assessment

       T. Josefsson, J. Ahlnér

Excursions And Participation From Companies In A Weekly 5 Ects Course

       L. Ottosen, I. Christensen

Experience of First Year CDIO Implementation at VNU-HCM

       B. Phan, N. Nguyen, N. Ho, T. Minh, H. Tran, N. Nguyen

Explorative Evaluation of Courses in a New Bachelor Program

       L. Petersen, B. Besenbacher, J. Tørresø

Extended Degree Programme Students’ Experiences With The Skyscraper Activity 

       D. Grayson, K. Madisha, B. Ngcobo

First Year Experience of CDIO Adoption into an Information Technology Program

       D. Tien, B. Le, T. Tran, D. Duong

Foundations For A New Type Of Design Engineers – Experiences From DTU Meeting The CDIO Concept 

       U. Jørgensen, H. Lindegaard, S. Brodersen

From DBT To TDB – A New Approach To Design-Build Projects

       G. Gustafsson, D. Raudberget

"Good Teaching Practice" at DTU Systems Biology: Sustaining Quality in Teaching and Learning

       M. Kilstrup, L. Hellgren, P. Andersson

Graduate And Ph.D. Course On Design And Manufacture Of Micro Mechanical Systems

       H. Hansen, A. De Grave

Hands-On Education At Kanazawa Technical College

       R. Kanai, A. Rynearson, M. Tennichi, H. Yamada, H. Matsui, S. Furuya

Hyperion Flying Wing Aircraft Technology

       J. Koster, S. Balaban, A. Brewer, C. Goodman, D. Hillery, C. Humbargar

Hyperion: An International Collaboration

       J. Koster, E. Serani, A. Velazco, T. Wiley, C. Munz, H. Kurz

Implementing CDIO – Revolution or Evolution?

       G. Thomson, M. Prince

Inductive Teaching By Interacting With CDIO-Projects 

       P. Goltermann

Industry Initiated Internationalization or JTH goes to China, A Case Study

       A. Rudgård, K. Trulsson

Inspiration of CDIO for Professional Master Training in China

       X. Mi, Y. Wang, C. Liu

Integration Of A Computational Mathematics Education In The Mechanical Engineering Curriculum

       M. Enelund, S. Larsson, J. Malmqvist

Interdisciplinary Case-Based Teaching Of Engineering Geosciences And Geotechnics 

       T. Ingeman-Nielsen, H. Christensen

Introducing Chip Design Using Speed Of Light 

       S. Schlotterbeck-Macht, K. Doll, U. Brunsmann

Laboratory and Project Based Learning In the Compulsory Course Biological Chemistry Enhancing Collaboration and Technical Communication between Groups

       Y. Agersø, A. Bysted, L. Jensen, M. Josefsen

Learning Digital Design Through Role Playing

       A. Forero, J. Giraldo, A. González, J. Uribe, M. Ruiz, F. Viveros

Mapping the Relationship Between the CDIO Syllabus and the CEAB Graduate Attributes: An Update

       G. Cloutier, R. Hugo, R. Sellens

May An Increased Focus On Students’ Personal Development Contribute To Increased Motivation, Better Academic Performance And Teamwork In Engineering Programs?

       M. Bernelo, S. Honsberg, A. Järelöw, J. Blennow, L. Peterson

Mechanical Engineering Practice – Using A Simple Stirling Engine As Case 

       K. Meyer

Modeling And Architecting Educational Frameworks

       S. Rouvrais, V. Chiprianov

Modification to the CDIO Syllabus: Updates and Expansions to include Leadership and Entrepreneurship

       E. Crawley, J. Malmqvist, W. Lucas, D. Brodeur

Multidisciplinary Teaching – MSc Course on Teamwork and Operation

       J. Karlshøj, A. Dederichs

North American Aerospace Project - Adaptable Design/Build Projects for Aerospace Education 

       E. Crawley, R. Niewoehner, P. Gray, J. Koster

Peer Evaluation Of Master Programs – Closing The Quality Circle Of The CDIO Approach?

       P. Hussmann, A. Bisi, J. Malmqvist, B. Carlsson, H. Lysne, A. Högfeldt

Peer Instruction Method in Introductory Math Courses

       E. Ferreira, S. Nicola, I. Figueiredo

Peer Learning With Small Means: A Case Study Of Implementing Peer Learning In A Laboratory Exercise

       J. Hansson, P. Kolmskog, Y. Odemark, A. Högfeldt

Peer Rating for Feedback in Group Projects

       P. Hermon, C. McCartan

Problem and Project Based Curriculum Vs. CDIO

       O. Kaikkonen, T. Lahtinen

Professional Practice And Design: Key Components In Curriculum Design 

       J. Goodyer, A. Anderson

Proposed Framework For Transdisciplinary Product And Process Design Education 

       D. Spooner, J. Raynauld, P. Lalande

Quality Assurance with CDIO Self-Evaluation - First Results of a Nordic Project

       J. Kontio, J. Roslöf, K. Edström, S. Naumann, P. Hussmann, K. Schrey-Niemenmaa

Quantifying the Efficiency of Project-Based Learning Experiences

       R. Hugo, R. Brennan, P. Gu, L. Xiaohua

Reflection And Reflexivity In Reviewing And Evaluating CDIO: An Empirical Approach To Evaluation

       R. Clark, J. Andrews

Reverse Engineering as a Didactic Tool in Nano- and Micro Technology

       E. Thomsen

Step Change Implementation of CDIO – The Aston University Story

       M. Prince, G. Thomson

Sustaining CDIO Capability: Professional Development for Engineering Faculty

       S. Cheah, M. Singh

System Engineering In Senior-Design Capstone Projects

       K. Rudd, J. Waters, D. O'Mara, C. Flaherty, M. Janssen

Taking CDIO Into A Chemical Engineering Classroom: Aligning Curriculum, Pedagogy, Assessment

       N. Maynard, M. Tadé, R. Karpe, B. Atweh

Taking the Classical Large Audience Lecture Online Using Tablet Computer and Web Conferencing Facilities

       P. Brockhof

Teacher And Student Intention And Commitment In A CDIO Curriculum

       E. Stiwne, A. Bergeling

Teaching Chemical Product Design To Engineering Students: Course Contents And Challenges

       A. Skov, S. Kiil

Teaching Interpersonal Skills In An International Design-Build Course

       J. Christensen, M. Karhu, C. Christensen

The CDIO As An Enabler For Graduate Attributes Assessment In Canadian Engineering Schools

       R. Brennan, R. Hugo, W. Rosehart

The CDIO Syllabus v2.0: An Updated Statement of Goals for Engineering Education

       E. Crawley, J. Malmqvist, W. Lucas, D. Brodeur

The Challenge Of Conceiving: Approaches To Problem Identification And Framing 

       C. Hansen, U. Jørgensen

The Transition Into University: What Engineering Students Know

       P. Goodhew, M. Murphy, C. McCartan, P. Myler, J. Ren, C. Sudworth

The Universal Primer: An Open Source Solution For Archiving, Organizing And Streaming Live Lectures

       M. Christoffersen, M. Krajowski-Kukiel, C. Panton, D. Fotel, H. Madsen, L. Christiansen

The Use Of Design Thinking In C-D-I-O Projects

       C. Ping, P. Chow, C. Leong

Using CDIO to Meet Accreditation Expectations at The University of Sydney

       D. Levy

Water Education: An E-Learning Platform For Water-Related Competence Development

       E. Eriksson, E. Arvin, I. Buendía, H. Bregnhøj, L. Vezzaro, P. Mikkelsen

Why Get Your Engineering Programme Accredited? 

       P. Goodhew

Working- Vs. Educational Processes In Software Engineering Vs. CDIO

       D. Einarson