Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference

Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 26-29 June 2023

Year: 2023

Editors: Reidar Lyng, Jens Bennedsen, Lamjed Bettaieb, Nils Rune Bodsberg, Kristina Edstrom, Maria Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir, Janne Roslöf,
Ole K. Solbjørg, Geir Øien 

Institution: Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology

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Table of Contents

Advances in CDIO

Education As Complex System: Need for More Forward-Looking CDIO Program Evaluation

       Sin-Moh Cheah

       Pages: 3-17

Curriculum Agility As Optional CDIO Standard

       Suzanne Brink, Carl Johan Carlsson, Mikael Enelund, Kristina Edstrom, Elizabeth Keller, Reidar Lyng, and Charles McCartan

       Pages: 18-28

Evaluating and Enhancing the Status of Sustainability in Engineering Education

       Anders Rosén, Eva Liedholm Johnson, and Joakim Jaldén

       Pages: 29-42

CDIO Implementation

Developing a Didactic Foundation for the Tech Faculty at Aarhus University

       Geir Egil Dahle Øien and Jens Bennedsen

       Pages: 45-55

Reflections About Reflections

       Svante Gunnarsson, Urban Forsberg, and Daniel Axehill

       Pages: 56-66

A Framework for a Sustainability Transition of Two Engineering Master's Courses

       Anders Adlemo

       Pages: 67-83

Is My Master Thesis Research Project Sustainable? Including Sustainability In "Research Methodologies"

       Ines Uriol Balbin

       Pages: 84-93

Chemical Engineering Education: Pedagogy for Learning from Failure in Process Plant Operations

       Sin-Moh Cheah

       Pages: 94-109

Inquiry, the Scientific Tool for All Instructional Methodologies

       N. M. Masoodhu Banu, Padmanabha Sarma. A and Thiyam Deepa Beeta

       Pages: 110-118

Training Future Skills - Sustainability, Interculturality & Innovation in a Digital Design Thinking Format

       Linda Steuer-Dankert

       Pages: 119-130

Scaling Up Project-Based Learning in Engineering Beyond 100 BSc Students: A Practical Approach

       Claas Willem Visser and Cornelis H. Venne

       Pages: 131-143

Pneumatics Laboratory Interactive Educational Experience Development

       Ivanna Sandyk, Margus Moor, Vladimir Kuts, Yevhen Bondarenko, Simone Luca Pizzagalli, and Tiia Rootman

       Pages: 144-154

Embedding the Social Sciences in Engineering Education: Collaboration with a Politics Degree

       Susan Kenyon

       Pages: 155-165

Blended Laboratories for Joining Technology

       Shahram Sheikhi, Konstantin Bronstein, Eduard Mayer, Robert Langer, Azadeh Reise, and Christian Stöhr

       Pages: 166-178

CDIO and Competency-Based Learning Approaches Applied Together to Military Engineering Education

       Andre L. T. Rezende, Carlos F. M. Chagas, Gustavo S. Rodrigues, and Suzana M. C. Magalhaes

       Pages: 179-189

Embedding Sustainability and Ethical Competences Into Engineering Education Following CDIO

       Juhani Angelva, Maisa Mielikainen, and Tauno Tepsa

       Pages: 190-200

Development of Simulation Tools to Enhance the Real-World Connections for Active Learner

       Hiromasa Ohnishi

       Pages: 201-207

The KTH Guide to Scientific Writing: Sparking a Conversation About Writing

       Jane Bottomley, Jamie Rinder, and Susanna Zeitler Lyne

       Pages: 208-217

The Student Flight Data Recorder - Building a Culture of Learning from Failure

       Calvin Rans, Julie Teuwen, and Helena Momoko Powis

       Pages: 218-227

Project Seminar - Reconstructing the Capstone Project Process

       Liviu Gal, Gabriela Dorfman Furman, and Zeev Weissman

       Pages: 228-238

Experiences on the Creation of a Multi-Disciplinary Course in a Metaverse Environment

       Elina Kontio, Werner Ravyse, Teppo Saarenpaa, Timo Haavisto, Mika Luimula, Emiliana Pizarro-Lucas, P. Ignacio Dorado-Diaz, and Pedro L Sanchez

       Pages: 239-250

A Design-Implement Experience within Computer Vision

       Aldo Andre Diaz-Salazar and Svante Gunnarsson

       Pages: 251-257

Online Courses for Teaching Engineering Professionalism

       Aseel Berglund

       Pages: 258-272

Development of Meaningful Lesson Using LXD Methodology for an Engineering Module

       Zhao Meijun, Edwin Foo, Flex Tio, and Kwek Siew Wee

       Pages: 273-282

Mechanised Bridges: Development of a Novel, Multidisciplinary, Design and Build Project

       Scott Wordley, Michael Crocco, Veronica Halupka, and Tony Vo

       Pages: 283-293

Fusing Programming and Thermodynamics in a First-Year Engineering Course

       Maria Gudjonsdottir

       Pages: 294-301

Building Up the Relevance in Economics Education and Assessing Its Effect

       Yu-Chen Kuo

       Pages: 302-311

VUCA and Resilience in Engineering Education - Lessons Learned

Siegfried Rouvrais, Ann- Kristin Winkens, CarmenLeicht-Scholten, Haraldur Audunsson, and Cecile Gerwel Proches       

       Pages: 312-322

Case Study on Integrated Curriculum Using Spiral Curriculum Model for Chemical Engineering

       Katerina Yang, Ai Ye Oh, Siew Teng Phua, and Yunyi Wong

       Pages: 323-335

A CDIO Approach to Teach Sustainability in Architecture

       Yenn Giin Ho, and Yiat Yam Leong

       Pages: 336-348

Induction Diamond Labs - Giving Everyone an Equal Starting Point

       Joanna Bates, Andrew Garrard, and Edward Browncross

       Pages: 349-357

Conceiving, Designing, and Implementing the Mechanics Teachers Social Club

       Marta Gavioli and Grant Penny

       Pages: 358-367

Evaluating the Use of ITP Metrics In Supporting Teamwork

       Tony Topping, Matt Murphy, and Samuel Saunders

       Pages: 368-378

Enhanced Assessment and Learning Through Adaptive Comparative Judgement

       Tony Topping, Matt Murphy, and Samuel Saunders

       Pages: 379-389

An Introductory Reverse Engineering Project to Enhance Teaching Staff and Student Competence

       Ahmed Tamkin Butt, and Xzara Foster

       Pages: 390-402

Engineering Minor in Architecture, A Model for Interdisciplinary Specialization and Contextual Learning

       Reidar Lyng, Anders Ronnquist, Bendik Manum, and Simen Dalen Taraldsen

       Pages: 403-413

Adapting Entrepreneurship Techniques for Creative Technical Course Design

       Emily Marasco and Laleh Behja

       Pages: 414-424

Integration of Graduate Employability Skills Through Industry Outsourced CDIO Project

       Soumya K Manna, Nicola Joyce, and Anne Nortcliffe

       Pages: 425-435

Facilitating Staff Implementation of Teamwork Measurement for Engineering-Related Project- Based Modules

       Lim Joo Ghee, Tan Kwee Teck, Safura Anwar, and Toh Ser Khoon

       Pages: 436-446

Case Studies of Integrating Project-Based Learning Into Polytechnic Engineering Curriculum

       Eunice Goh Shing Mei, Kwek Siew Wee, Ang Wei Sin, Kent Loo, Hengky Chang, Cheah Chi Mun, Li Ying, and Eunice Chia

       Pages: 447-461

Designing an Introductory First-Year Course for an Electronics Engineering Program

       Mario Medina

       Pages: 461-469

Python in a Week - Conceptual Tests for Learning and Course Development

       Christopher Blocker, Thomas Mejtoft, and Nina Norgren

       Pages: 470-480

Promoting Curriculum Agility Through Project-Based Learning: Case of the Australian University (Kuwait)

       Hassan Salti, Hania El-Kanj, Fadi Alkhatib, and Mohammed Abdul-Niby

       Pages: 481-490

Sustainable Aircraft Design in Engineering Education: Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate Virtually

       Alexander Somerville, Luke Pollock, Keith Joiner, Timothy Lynar, and Graham Wild

       Pages: 491-501

Bringing Reflective Writing to the Engineering Classroom

       Marcel Kyas, Joseph Timothy Foley, and Marketa Foley

       Pages: 502-511

Creating and Deploying an Electronic Engineering Master Program Based on CDIO Framework

       Binh D HA, and Truong V Truong

       Pages: 512-524

Practice-Based Engineering Design for Next-Generation of Engineers: A CDIO-Based Approach

       Salman Saeidlou, Nikdokht Ghadiminia, Anne Nortcliffe, and Stuart Lambert

       Pages: 525-542

Framework for the Evaluation of Cybersecurity Curriculum Educational Content

       Antti Hakkala, Anne-Maarit Majanoja, Ville Leppanen, and Seppo Virtanen

       Pages: 543-555

A Challenge Based Learning Community for Hydrogen Development and Application

       J.A.P. Gelten, B.J. Aalderink, R.P. van Leeuwen, M.M.A. Disberg-van Geloven, S. Corporaal, and Y. Hajimolana

       Pages: 555-566

Case-Based Learning in Collaboration Across Universities to Enhance Students' Understanding of Sustainability

       Victor Eriksson, Anne-Maria Holma, and Frida Lind

       Pages: 567-580

Teaching Competency Development Framework for SRMIST Faculty Members

       Rajeev Sukumaran and Vairavel Gurusamy

       Pages: 581-590

Drone Game That Highlights Ethical and Sustainability Implications of Design Decisions

       Siara Isaac, Gianni Lodetti, Jessica Dehler Zufferey, and Barbara Bruno

       Pages: 591-601

Student Perspectives on Online Hybrid Learning in an Undergraduate Robotics Course

       Erik Kyrkjebø and Martin F. Stoelen

       Pages: 602-613

Sustainable Systems Engineering Program: Meeting All Needs within Means of the Planet

       Robyn Mae Paul, Marjan Eggermont, and Emily Marasco

       Pages: 614-623

Experiences from Implementing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program for Teachers

       Pages: Hanne Løje

       Pages: 624-632

Enabling Lifelong Learning by Using Multiple Engagement Tools

       Donatella Puglisi and Guillem Domenech-Gil

       Pages: 633-643

Maximising Academic and Social Outcomes

       Neil Cooke, Jorgen Forss, Sarah Chung, and Jesper Andersson

       Pages: 644-655

Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Information Systems - Experiences from an Enterprise Architecture Course

       Sobah Abbas Petersen

       Pages: 656-666

Engineering Education Research

Networking Change Leader - New Role for a Program Director in Engineering Education

       Magnus Andersson

       Pages: 669-678

From University to Work: Alumni Viewpoints

       Helena Kovacs, Iris Capdevila, Patrick Jermann, and Isabelle Lermigeaux-Sarrade

       Pages: 679-691

The Nature of Progression Between Yearly Project Courses

       Camilla Björn, Kristina Edström, Liv Gingnell, Joakim Lilliesköld, and Marie Magnell

       Pages: 692-704

Skills Assessment in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Initiatives

       Alessandra Scroccaro, Jeanette Engzell, Charlotte Norrman, Milena Bigatto, and Cia Lundvall

       Pages: 705-719

Teaching Engineering As a Design Science

       Remon Rooij and Linette Bossen

       Pages: 720-731

Group Practices in a Collaborative Design Project - A Video-Ethnographic Study

       Jonte Bernhard, Jacob Davidsen, and Thomas Ryberg

       Pages: 732-745

The Green Energy Transition - A Case for Lifelong Learning

       Jerker Björkqvist, Magnus Hellström, Andrei-Raoul Morariu, and Janne Roslöf

       Pages: 746-758

Student Reflective Practice As Part of Engineering Programmes

       Gareth Thomson and Klara Kovesi

       Pages: 759-769

Who Am I Learning to Become? Integrating Personal Development in Curriculum Design

       N.L. Bohm, M.J. Hoekstra, L.P.J. van den Burg, and M.M.O. Reincke

       Pages: 770-779

Entrepreneurship in Engineering Programs: A Methodology for Systematic Literature Review

       Saol Garcia Huertes and Ramon Bragos

       Pages: 780-792

Correlation Study Between the Performance in Different Engineering Courses and Project-Based Courses

       Sandra Bermejo, Ramon Bragos, Francesc Rey, and Josep Pegueroles

       Pages: 793-804

Online and Blended Labs for Practical Mechanical Engineering

       Christian Stöhr, Veronica Olesen, Shahram Sheikhi, Robert Langer, Vladimir Kuts, Margus Moor, Antti Nousiainen, Ari Putkonen, Sakari Koivunen, Yihua Zhang, Jens Kabo, Mikael Enelund, and Johan Malmqvist

       Pages: 805-819

Visualizing Extracurricular Student Teams Learning at Tu/e Innovation Space with CDIO Syllabus

       Eugenio Bravo, Ana Valencia, Isabelle Reymen, and Jan van der Veen

       Pages: 820-830

Student-Centered Learning Activities for Key Sustainability Competencies in Online Courses with Many Students

       Johan Berg Pettersen and Ulrika Lundqvist

       Pages: 831-844

Motivation for Continuous Software Engineering Expertise Development Through Lifelong Learning

       Anne-Maarit Majanoja, Antti Hakkala, Seppo Virtanen, and Ville Leppanen

       Pages: 845-856

Hybrid Education - A Critical Review Into Challenges and Opportunities

       Anders Adlemo, Amjad Z.K. Al-Musaed, Patrick Conway, Asa Hansen, and Marisol Rico-Cortez

       Pages: 857-865

Engineering or Computer Science, What Is the Deal?

       Asrun Matthiasdottir

       Pages: 866-878

Lessons Learned from Teaching and Tutoring - Design Thinking for Electrical Engineering Students

       Kjell Are Refsvik, Ole Andreas Alsos, and Torstein Bolstad

       Pages: 879-890

Engineering Technology Students' Self-Regulation: A Baseline

       Shan Tuyaerts, Tinne De Laet, Lynn Van den Broeck, and Greet Langie

       Pages: 891-901

Lifelong Learning As Explicit Part of Engineering Programmes: A Case Study

       Rani Dujardin, Lynn Van den Broeck,Sofie Craps, and Greet Langie

       Pages: 902-912

Assessment and Feedback Across Various Outcomes in Project Courses: A Department-Wide Study

       Gabrielle Hansen and Guttorm Sindre

       Pages: 913-922

Engineering Students' Self-Regulation Competencies - The Relationship Between Perceptions and Summative Scores

       Van den Broeck Lynn, Dujardin Rani, and Tuyaerts Shandris

       Pages: 923-930

Global Competence Needs: A Comparative Study of Stakeholders' Perspectives on Engineering Education

       Tanja Richter, Bjorn Kjellgren, Elisabet Arno-Macia, and Karen Fleischhauer

       Pages: 931-940

Integrating Sustainable Development in a Computer Science Program: A Review

       Marcia Munoz, Claudia Martinez-Araneda, and Matilde Basso

       Pages: 941-950

Constructivist Principles As Used for Enhancing Active Learning - Case: Engineering Thermodynamics

       Nader Ghareeb, Martin Jaeger, Perry R. Hessenauer, and Desmond Adair

       Pages: 951-965

Engaging Students Oriented Towards Usefulness in a Bildung-Oriented Engineering Education

       Ronny Kjelsberg and Magnus Strøm Kahrs

       Pages: 966-974

The Effects of Learning Environments on Student Active Learning

       Pasi Aalto, Ole Andreas Alsos, Dag Hakon Haneberg, Martin Steinert, Daniel Ege, and Ingrid Berg Sivertsen

       Pages: 975-988