Benchmarking Help

The first four materials describe investigations regarding teaching and assessment as practiced prior to the introduction of CDIO reforms, thus providing a baseline. We strongly recommend conducting benchmarking studies before design and implementation phases begin. You may be surprised to discover the many things you currently do that are applicable, and can be built upon. The "Experiences of Learning" and "Ten Requests" reports are based on surveys. All of these reports illustrate data collection processes, a vital precursor to the implementation of major change.

Benchmarking of Teaching Practices - Kristina Edström, Sven Andersson, Madelaine Engström Download (.pdf 328K)

  • The report describes the compulsory courses of three engineering programs: Mechanical Eng­neering at Chalmers, Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at LiTH and Vehicle Engineeing at KTH. Interviews were conducted with the responsible teachers in 2001, which was before any major changes were implemented as a result of the CDIO project. The courses are described with focus on objectives, teaching,  assessment and evaluation. Experience has shown it to be very useful to have uniform data about all courses.

Experiences of Learning - Students Accounts Linked with Theory - Kristina Edström, Josefin Johansson, Madelaine Engström, Asa Wiklund Download (.pdf 204K)

Ten Requests from Students Download (.ppt 96K)

  • To better represent their peers, the CDIO Student team initiated and carried out a survey of learning experiences. Fifty-six students were interviewed at Chalmers, LiTH and KTH. The findings concern topics such as assessment, motivation, course definition, time/planning, interaction and approaches to learning.

Large-Class Teaching/Learning - Mikael Holmquist, Sven Andersson, Per-Ake Janasson, Ake Fäldt Download (.pdf 440K)

  • Four different courses with more than 100 students each, were studied through questionnaires and followup interviews with students and faculty. Included in results are important parameters to take into account, such as creating a well-functioning team of faculty and instructors who are interested in the students’ learning and aware of different learning styles, and contemplating alternatives to the content, organization and use of lectures.