2005 - Proceedings of the 1st International CDIO Conference

Proceedings of the 1st International CDIO Conference, Kingston, Canada, 7-8 June 2005

Year: 2005

Editor: Rick Sellens

Institution: Queen's University Canada

Table of contents

A CDIO Approach to the Final Year Capstone Project

       P. Armstrong, R. Kee, R. Kenny, G. Cunningham

A Curriculum for Life Cycle Engineering

       J. Jeswiet, J. Duflou, W. Dewulf, C. Luttrop, M. Hauschild

Active Learning Games

       O. de Weck, I. Kim, R. Hassan

Active Learning Through Group Dialogue in a Project-Based Course on Environmentally Adapted Product Development

       M. Knutson Wedel, A. Boldizar, J. Malmqvist

Capstone Design - Experience with Industry Based Projects

       B. Surgenor, C. Mechefske, U. Wyss, J. Pelow

CDIO-Based Courses in Engineering Biology at LiTH

       A. Kindgren, K. Järrendahl, K. Uvdal, P. Tengvall

Course Evaluations as a Means for Educational Improvements

       P. Friis-Hansen, N. Houbak, P. Klit

Development of Three Bachelor Programs at Linkoping University According to CDIO

       K. Bjerner, S. Granath

Effective Workspace for Engineering Education: The Integrated Learning Centre at Queen's University in Kingston

       D. Strong, J. McCowan

Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping

       O. de Weck, I. Kim, C. Graff, B. Nadir, A. Bell

Flight Handling Qualities: A Problem-Based-Learning Module for Final Year Aerospace Engineering Students

       G. Padfield

Implementing Project-Based Learning Using CDIO Concepts

       S. Pee, H. Leong

Integrated Assessment of Disciplinary, Personal, and Interpersonal Skills in a Design-Build Course

       K. Edström, K. Gaidi, S. Hallström, J. Kuttenkeuler

Mechanical Engineering Curriculum at DTU and the Application of CDIO in First Year Courses

      N. Houbak, P. Klit

Product Development by Deterministic Design

       M. Graham, A. Slocum

Quality Assurance of Engineering Education in Sweden

       A. Sadurskis

Sculpting the Sculptor: Designing a Faculty Support Program for New CDIO Member Institutions

       D. Steyn

The CDIO-Based Survey as a Useful Tool in the Monitoring and Evolution of the Curriculum

       U. Wyss, J. Bryant, N. Kubrick, C. Mechefske, P. Oosthuizen, D. Strong

The First Year as Engineering Student

       E. Stiwne

The Use of "How Does it Work?" Type Projects in a Mechanical Engineering Program

       P. Oosthuizen

Use of CDIO Standards in Swedish National Evaluation of Engineering Educational Programs

       J. Malmqvist, K. Edström, S. Gunnarsson, S. Östlund

Using a Project Model for Assessment of CDIO Skills

       T. Svensson, S. Gunnarsson

Using an Alumni Survey as a Tool for Program Evaluation

       I. Wiklund, E. Lindblad, S. Gunnarsson