
CDIO is a worldwide movement to restore the balance between teaching ‘practice’ skills and the fundamentals of math and science to engineering students. Mongolian University of Science and Technology just joined to the Asian CDIO initiative in March, 2015 as a member. Since 2014-2015 academic years, SICT started to reform the curriculum for students of Telecommunication Engineering Technology (TET) and Wireless Communication Engineering Technology (WCET) according to CDIO approach. In the scope of curriculum reforming process consistence with CDIO approach, we increased project courses from 7 to 12 credits. Undergraduate students implement a project every year and they get an opportunity to utilize their previously attained knowledge and skills when working in teams to design and develop a certain product, system or process. The tasks of projects courses described as followings: For course of Introduction to engineering, the Course Learning Outcomes more focused on developing student soft skills and implement mini project by the given tasks in the level of Design, Implement and Operate (DIO). In the second year, student implement engineering project-I which is dedicated for developing student soft and hard skills and students organized in teams and executes the project tasks by using microcontroller and embedded systems in the level of conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO). In the third year by the engineering project-II course, the teacher gives the more major oriented project tasks to Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) product, process and system. In the fourth year, student implement thesis project by the given tasks that to cover Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) stages of any product, process and system. For all the project courses, students use workspaces equipped with computer, 3D printer, turnery machine, laser printer, microcontroller based embedded devices such as CNC machine, Arduino, IoT, telecommunication equipment and electrical measurement and tools etc. In this paper, we addressed experiences about teaching and learning activities and assessment results of project courses taught in last 3 years. 

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