2012 8th International CDIO Conference, Queensland UT, Australia

The 2012 8th International CDIO Conference is to be held in Brisbane, Australia July 1-4, 2012. 

This year’s conference is themed “New Generations”, which celebrates and explores the challenges and opportunities in generational diversity of our academic/faculty members, our students in their engineering programs and industry connections.

Conference Location: Queensland University of Technology

The conference is being held at Queensland University of Technology’s Gardens Point campus. Located in the Brisbane CBD (George St.), Garden’s Point campus overlooks the City Botanic Gardens, Brisbane River and the Southbank Parklands.  Public transport, accommodation, shopping and dining options are all within walking distance.

Conference At-A-Glance

Sunday, July 1 CDIO Council meeting, Pre-Registration, Welcome Reception
Monday, July 2 Registration, Welcome Address, New Generations: CDIO Contexts, Workshops, Speed Datin
Tuesday, July 3

Welcome and Announcements, Keynote Presentation: Global Trends and Challenges
in Engineering Education, Workshops, Round Table Discussions, Poster Teaser, Poster Session,
CDIO Academy Project Displays and Judging

Wednesday, July 4 Welcome and Announcements, New Generations Forum, Workshops, Closing Ceremony
Thursday, July 5 CDIO Collaborators Meeting & CDIO Council

For additional information and registration details, please visit the conference website.



QUT Gardens Point Campus

Agenda or Other Resources
Duncan Campbell