Integrated Active Learning Implementation in CDIO Practical Course for Massive Population


In CDIO standards, the 7th and 8th are “Integrated Learning Experiences” and “Active Learning”, which are most important for undergraduate laboratory courses. This paper describes an approach undertaken by the course of Synthesis, Characterization & Processing of Materials (SCPM) to integrate teamwork and self-management into its Project-Based Learning (PBL) for achieving these two standards. This represents a pragmatic approach in CDIO practical course when massive students are simultaneous in the same class.

PBL is an effective way to practice active learning and develop teamwork skills. In SCPM, a long-running course project is set and a serial of stages and relevant tasks are designed. The project is implemented in student's teams. In each team, the students work together from the beginning to the end of the project. Student's teams carry out the project independently and compete with each other actively. Our approach will help students improve CDIO skills during active learning process and foster teamwork skills through long-time cooperating within one team.

But in many laboratory courses like SCPM, many students participate in the class and are divided into many teams, which carry out the project simultaneously. How to manage the teams effectively at the same time? Self-management is the answer. In a student's team, there are a team leader and 3-4 team members and the membership is changed in every project stage. The leader is responsible for the management of project and the outcome of the relevant stage. So, all the team members are the manager and the partner, and can manage themselves well very. Moreover, student's teams can compete with each other. This is helpful to the active implement of the project.

In this paper, we present the objectives, contents, innovative design, implementation process, the measures and results achieved after CDIO implementation. The learning outcomes are verified from student's surveys, together with the results of assessment activities.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

Min Chen, Mingyuan Xie and Dingyu Yang
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Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014