Research On Assessment System Of Student Implementing Capability Under The CDIO Initiative


The purpose of undergraduate engineering education is to develop a skilled technical and extensive-based professionalism for the young engineers. The CDIO Syllabus and Standards meet the concept of developing the Excellent Engineers Program in China since the Ministry of Education implementing engineering educational reform in 2006. Research on assessment system of student implementing capability is to assess the effects of teaching, providing feedback to students and faculty for the purposes of continuous improvement CDIO engineering educational reform in collaborators, specifically the implementation of the quantification of the effect.

The topic of assessment system of student implementing capability is researched on the paper, using the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method to establishment a simple quantitative model, then choosing three secondary indexes and fifteen tertiary indexes to take "Engineering System Design" economics-management course module as an example, which is shown that the assessment system provides a practical and effective method to assess every single student implementing capability to demonstrate their achievement by engineering faculty under The CDIO Initiative.

8th International CDIO Conference 2012, July 1-4, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

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