NEW DATE - CDIO Seminar at Chalmers University of Technology

Welcome to a CDIO Seminar about Pedagogic and Professional Competence Development and Promotion at Technical Universities

Every year the CDIO Office, hosted by Chalmers University of Technology organize a full-day seminar for the nordic CDIO member universities.

Theme: Pedagogic and Professional Competence Development and Promotion at Technical Universities

For a long time, promotion at universities has mainly considered scientific merits such as publications, citations and research income. It has been widely realised that the current practice does not adequately recognise efforts in the key role of technical universities, i.e. to educate competent professional engineers. In response, many universities are developing training programmes for faculty and revising their promotion criteria. During the seminar, universities that been pioneers in this change will account for their approaches and experiences. We will discuss and disseminate knowledge of the emerging models for educational and professional qualifications and promotion, nationally and internationally.

When: March 8, 2017
Time: 10.00-16.00 (including lunch and fika)
Where: Virtual Development Laboratory, Chalmers University of Technology located at Chalmers tvärgata 4C, Campus Johanneberg, Gothenburg Sweden
Language: Swedish and English (most seminars will be held in Swedish)
Fee: This seminar is free but registration is mandatory
Last day to register: February 28, 2017
Event organizer: CDIO Office at Chalmers University of Technology


09.30-10.00: Registration

10.00-10.15: Intro, Välkommen – Johan Malmqvist, Chalmers (in Swedish)

10.15-11.15: Keynote presentation: Recognising and Rewarding University Teaching Achievement – Ruth Graham (in English)

11.15-11.30: Coffee break

11.30-12.15: Presentation: Chalmers pedagogiska portfölj - Lena Petersson, Chalmers (in Swedish)

12.15-13.15: Lunch

13.15-14.00: Keynote presentation: Pedagogisk utveckling och meritering – Kristina Edström, KTH (in Swedish)

14.00-14.30: Thomas Olsson: Experiences from Lund Univeristy (In Swedish)

14.30-15.00: Presentation: Commitment to quality - A pilot project for recognizing pedagogical merits - Reidar Lyng, NTNU

15.00-15.20: Coffee break

15.20-16.00: Paneldiskussion (in Swedish)
Deltagare: Kristina Edström - Universitetslektor i Ingenjörsutbildningens utveckling och engagerad i högskolepedagogisk verksamhet, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Lena Peterson - Universitetslektor på avdelningen för Datorteknik, Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik samt utbildningsområdeledare för utbildningsområde EDITI (elektroteknik, datateknik, informationsteknik samt industriell ekonomi), Chalmers tekniska högskola
Robert Johansson - Prefekt på institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik, Umeå universitet
Anna-Karin Carstensen - Universitslektor och CDIO ansvarig, Jönköping University
Thomas Olsson - Universitetslektor och pedagogisk utvecklare, Lunds universitet
Reidar Lyng - Docent, biträdande professor, NTNU

Moderator: Johan Malmqvist - Utbildningsområdesledare MATS, professor i produktutveckling, Chalmers tekniska högskola

Keynote presentations

Recognising and rewarding university teaching achievement
By: Ruth Graham, Consultant in Engineering Education and Entrepreneurship at R H Graham Consulting Limited

Abstract: Universities across the world are engaged in a common drive to improve the quality of teaching. Central to this mission are robust frameworks for evaluating and rewarding the teaching achievements of academic staff.

The talk will describe such a framework currently under development, commissioned by the Royal Academy of Engineeing: the Career Framework for University Teaching. It is being developed to provide universities with a robust and transparent tool for defining and evaluating teaching achievement at all stages of the career ladder and for all levels of individual contribution to teaching and learning. In particular, the framework is designed to offer a clear set of definitions and criteria of teaching achievement that are not bounded by disciplinary, institutional or national contexts, thus maximising the opportunities for achievements to be transferable between institutions. A global consortium of universities is providing feedback on the applicability of the framework within academic appointment, promotion and appraisal systems. A number of these universities are also piloting the framework or using it to guide a redesign of their reward/appraisal systems. Their experience will be used to refine the framework’s design and to develop guidance for other universities wishing to adopt it.

Ruth Graham has been an independent consultant in engineering education and entrepreneurship since 2008, working with engineering industry, universities and professional bodies from across the world.  A Mechanical Engineer by training, she specialised in aeronautical fatigue, working with BAE SYSTEMS for a number of years. In 2002 she moved to Imperial College London and later became Director of the EnVision project, which sought to transform the undergraduate education across all nine departments in the Faculty of Engineering and improve its culture of support and reward for teaching excellence. Ruth’s work as a consultant is focused on fostering change in higher education across the world; helping to improve engineering teaching and learning worldwide and supporting the emergence of technology-driven entrepreneurship within universities. Further details can be found on Ruth’s website:

Pedagogisk utveckling och meritering (in Swedish)
By: Kristina Edström, Royal Institute of Technology

Abstract/sammanfattning: En viktig förutsättning för att höja utbildningens kvalité är att pedagogisk skicklighet får en central betydelse vid lärartillsättning och befordran. Varje lärosäte måste ta ställning till hur lärarskicklighet kan dokumenteras, vilka kriterier som ska gälla vid bedömningen, och vilka som är kompetenta att göra sådana bedömningar. Jag vill diskutera frågor av intresse för den enskilda läraren. Vilka olika dimensioner av pedagogisk skicklighet räknas? Hur kan mina meriter dokumenteras? Hur vet man var ribban går? Hur kan man meritera sig på ett effektivt sätt? Räkna också med några handfasta tips från en som läst väldigt många pedagogiska egenreflektioner.

Kristina Edström är universitetslektor i Ingenjörsutbildningens utveckling och engagerad i högskolepedagogisk verksamhet på KTH, nationellt och internationellt. Över 700 deltagare har gått kursen Lärande och undervisning (7,5 hp) skräddarsydd för KTH:s lärare. Kristina är ledamot i CDIO Council, och medförfattare till Crawley et al. (2014) Rethinking Engineering Education: The CDIO Approach, Springer. Kristina fick KTH:s pris för framstående insatser i utbild­ningen 2004 och valdes till livstids hedersmedlem i Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår 2009. Kristina är civilingenjör från Chalmers, Göteborg.



Chalmers tvärgata 4C
41258 Gothenburg

International conference
CDIO Office
Johan Malmqvist & Kate Larsson
Geo position
POINT (11.977587 57.689762)