How does a school join the CDIO Initiative?

When a school indicates an interest in CDIO (usually by emailing, it is contacted by the CDIO Collaborator and Communications office to determine the specifics of its interest. The school is then referred to materials available online and/or sent printed informational packages. It is welcome to attend a CDIO Council or Regional meeting and make a presentation about itself.

The school is also invited to an implementation workshop. Finally, when a school decides to join the Initiative, it formally applies to the CDIO Council by completing a questionnaire. The questionnaire seeks information on how the institution plans to participate in the Initiative, the programs to which it plans to apply CDIO, and the resources it will devote to its involvement.

Upon acceptance to the CDIO Initiative, the school becomes a Regional Collaborator and a member of the appropriate Regional Group. More detail on this process appears in the CDIO Policies.