2010 - Proceedings of the 6th International CDIO Conference

Proceedings of the 5th International CDIO Conference, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, 14-16 June 2010

Year: 2010

Editor: Clement Fortin, Daniel Spooner

Institution: École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada

Table of Contents

A Innovative Engineering Summer School V2.0

       J. Bennedsen, P. Larsen

A Model to Sustain Engineering Mathematics Learning in a CDIO Environment

       C. McCartan, P. Hermon, G. Cunningham

A National Graduate Research School with Close Industrial Collaboration

       G. Gustafsson, L. Frenning

A New Introduction to a Master Programme in Materials Science, Turning Student Diversity into an Advantage

       M. Knutson Wedel, H. Persson

A Weeklong Event of Millennium Development Goals

       D. Lopes, E. Ferreira, A. Ferreira, J. Rocha

Active Learning in a Second Year Machine Design Programme at Singapore Polytechnic's School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering

       N. Lan, L. Seng, L. Lee, H. Leong

Adapting the CDIO Approach in Developing Learning Outcomes for Economics and Business Disciplines in Vietnam: A Case-Study of University of Economics and Business at Vietnam National University, Hanoi

       D. Vu, N. Phung

An Integrated CDIO - EQF Engineering Framework for Europe

       A. Castelli, C. Marinoni, C. Bisagni, D. Brodeur, E. Crawley, A. Causi

Applying CDIO Through Guided Independent Learning in a Chemistry Programme

       A. Messens, I. Claeys

Assessing the Development of Personal and Professional Skills in Group Projects

       P. Hermon, C. McCartan

Assessment of CDIO Skills for Student Final Year (Capstone) Projects of Different Genres

       K. Ting, S. Cheah

Benchmarking Teaching and Learning Practices in Finnish Engineering Education

       A. Kleemola, S. Kolari, J. Roslöf, C. Savander-Ranne

CDIO as a Force for Good: A Water Sanitation and Hygiene Community Service Project in Myanmar

       C. Huiting, D. Sale, A. Yeo

CDIO as a Foundation for Program Accreditation/Certification in Portugal

       J. Rocha, A. Costa, A. Martins

Challenges in Grading Project Teams

      J. Koster

Conceiving and Designing an "Introduction to Engineering" Course with the New Curricula at Telecom BCN, UPC Barcelona

       R. Bragós, E. Alarcón, A. Camps, J. Pegueroles, J. Sardà, E. Sayrol

Development of a Model Framework for CDIO Implementation in Vietnam

       B. Phan, M. Le, N. Ho, T. Minh, H. Tran, L. Vu

Embracing CDIO: Developing a Mechatronics Learning Studio

       R. Habash, C. Suurtamm, D. Necsulescu

Engagement and Learning in Microcontroller Systems Projects Among Mixed Engineering and Product Design Cohorts

       G. Thomson

Engaging Industry with Academic Programmes: A Master's Programme in Embedded Systems

       J. Cunha, P. Amaro, L. Marques

Engineer Professional Identity: For an Early Clarification of Student's Perceptions

       S. Rouvrais, N. Chelin

Engineering and Communications Integrated Learning: Collaboration Strategies for Skills and Subject Experts

       C. Carlsson, K. Edström, H. Malmström

Enhancing the CDIO Learning Experience Through Industrial Partnered Real World Engineering Projects

       A. Kon, D. Sale

Evaluating the Implementation of CDIO Programs at Singapore Polytechnic: The Second Year

       H. Huay, D. SaleE, C. Wee, L. Wuan


       A. Krogsbøll, J. Christensen, P. Hussmann

How to Include Sustainability in Engineering Education: The "Green Challenge" at DTU is One Way

       P. Hussmann, C. Trandum, M. Vigild

Impact of Digital Literacy on the Engineering Curriculum

       J. Gilliot, S. Garlatti, G. Simon

Industry Linkages at Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore: Translating Innovative Approaches into Action

       A. de Roza

Inspiring the Inner Entrepreneur in Students: A Case Study of Entrepreneurship Studies in TUAS

       J. Kontio

Integrating CDIO Skills and Technical Knowledge from Different Modules in a Project

       C. Ping, C. Chiang, C. Teoh, P. Chow

Integrating Chemical Engineering Fundamentals in the Capstone Process Design Project

       N. von Solms, J. Woodley, J. Johnsson, J. Abildskov

Intercultural Competence in Engineering Education

       T. Josefsson

Large Scale Project Based Learning in Service Design and Engineering (SDE) Masters Program

       M. Helenius

Mapping an Industrial IT Project to a 2nd Semester Design-Build Project

       M. Nyborg, S. Høgh

Mapping the Relationship Between the CDIO Syllabus and the 2008 CEAB Graduate Attributes

       G. Cloutier, R. Hugo, R. Sellens

Mass Customization in Engineering Programs: A Framework for Program Management

       A. Martins, A. Costa

Mechanical Dissection in an Introductory Engineering Design Module

       A. McLaren, P. Jenkins

Multi-Disciplinary Design-Build PBL As An Introduction to Engineering

       X. Lu, Y. Fan, S. Banzaert, J. Jacob

Promoting Systems Thinking and Problem Solving Skills through Active Learning

       C. Koh

Scaffolding and Fading Within and Across a Six-Semester CDIO Design Sequence

       C. Putnam, J. O’Donnell, N. Bertozzi

Spinning New Engineering Students' Minds

       B. Neves, P. Guedes

Strategies to Engage Capstone Design Course Sponsors in High-Priority, Client-Focused Projects

       H. Van der Loos, E. Croft, A. Hodgson, J. Mikkelsen, P. Winkelman

Survey for Program Evaluation of Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano

       C. Bisagni, G. Ghiringhelli, S. Ricci

Sustaining Curriculum Innovation: The Diploma in Chemical Engineering Experience

       S. Cheah, D. Sale

Sustaining Momentum when Implementing CDIO in a Set of Study Programs

       B. Christiansen, L. Jensen, A. Krogsbøll, L. Willumsen

Systems Engineering Approach for a Robotic Project by Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students

       C. Chu, M. Al-Atabi

Teaching Manufacturing Processes with Computer Animations

       M. Balazinski, M. Reggio

Teaching Professional Engineering Skills: Industry Participation in Realistic Role Play Simulation

       N. Andersson, P. Andersson

Teaching Team Dynamics: Experiences in Second-Year Mechanical Engineering Design

       P. Ostafichuk, A. Hodgson, S. Bartek, C. Naylor

Ten Years of CDIO: Experiences from a Long-Term Education Development Process

       J. Malmqvist, J. Bankel, M. Enelund, G. Gustafsson, M. Knutson Wedel

The CDIO Syllabus and Outcomes-Based Assessment: A Case Study of a Canadian Mechanical Engineering Program

       R. Brennan, R. Hugo

The Challenge of Teaching Multidisciplinary Sustainable Development Capstone Projects

       A. Desjardins, L. Millette, E. Bélanger

The Development of a New Efficient and Cost-Effective Mapping Process to be Used with Generic Frameworks with the Aim of Curriculum Improvement

       A. Popp, D. Levy

The Materials Curriculum: What Europe Wants

       P. Goodhew, T. Bullough, D. Taktak

The Metropolia Adaptation of CDIO in all 20 of Its Engineering Study Programmes

       K. Schrey-Niemenmaa, M. Karhu, A. Ristola, J. Sirkjärvi

The Renaissance Engineer and CDIO

       L. Haeck

The Tentative CDIO Practices in AIR, Tsinghua University

       H. Chen, C. Hu, D. Ge, G. Yang, S. Fu

The Use of Industrial Visits to Enhance Learning at Engineering Courses

       M. Shamel, E. Chung, T. Padmesh, A. Al-Obaidi

Three Years of CDIO/ACM Based Informatics Engineering Undergraduate Program at ISEP

       A. Costa, A. Martins

Toward Internationalized Engineering Curriculum and Student Mobility

       D. Campbell, H. Beck

Using Personas to Guide Education Needs Analysis and Program Design

       A. Yström, L. Peterson, B. von Sydow, J. Malmqvist

What Did I Really Learn in My Mechatronics Class? The Challenge Line Problem Revisited

       B. Surgenor, K. Firth