2007 - Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO Conference

Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO Conference, Cambridge, USA, 12-14 June 2007

Year: 2007

Editor: Doris Brodeur

Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Table of Contents

"Communication of Mathematics" as a Tool to Improve Students' General Communicative Skills

       J. Larsson

A CDIO Curriculum Development for the Program of Civil Engineering

       G. Xiong, X. Lu

Active Learning Strategies for Teaching Lean Thinking

       J. Candido, E. Murman, H. McManus

An Integrated Approach to Teaching First Year Diploma in Bioelectronics

       A. Hong, P. Sing, T. Joo, T. Ping, C. Teoh

Balancing Pedagogy and Student Experience in First-Year Engineering Courses

       D. Campbell, W. Boles, M. Murray, M. Iyer, D. Hargreaves, A. Keir

Benchmarking the Queen's University Mechanical and Materials Engineering Curriculum with the CDIO Syllabus

       P. Oosthuizen, U. Wyss, N. Kubrick, D. Smith

CDIO Applied in the Context of Materials Science

       M. Knutson Wedel, J. Malmqvist, P. Goodhew

CDIO in Chemical Engineering Education

       M. Vigild, M. May, K. Clement

CDIO-Based Master Programme in Product Development

       F. Berglund, J. Malmqvist

Comparison of First-Year Design-Implement Experiences, Their Assessment, and Resources

       G. Cunningham, M. Balson, J. Bankel, C. McCartan, C. Putnam, C. Vandenplas

Computer Aided Learning (CAL) and Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) in Civil Engineering

       S. Millard

Connecting the Dots with CDIO: A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Biomedical Design Engineering

       S. Rajagopalan

Continuous Improvement of a CDIO Program Using Management by Means

       S. Östlund, P. Hjorth, K. Blom, J. Ahlstrand

Curricular Reform Based on the CDIO Initiative in Shantou University

       P. Gu, M. Shen, X. Lu

Curriculum Renewal at Two Universities in Chile Using the CDIO Syllabus

       P. Poblete, X. Vargas, S. Celis, P. Gazmuri, J. Bilbao, D. Brodeur

Design and Conduct an Introductory Course Under Current Chinese Context

       X. Lu, Z. Chen

Design-Implement Experience from the 2nd Year Capstone Course: "Integrated Design and Manufacturing"

       M. Evertsson, J. Bankel, M. Enelund, A. Eriksson, P. Lindstedt, C. Räisänen

Designing a CDIO Final Year Project

       H. Huay, S. Pee

Engineering Students' Experiences of the Transition from Study to Work

       E. Stiwne, T. Jungert

Enhancing Faculty Competence in Lean Thinking Bodies of Knowledge

       E. Murman, H. McManus, J. Candido

Experience from Using Integrated Program Descriptions to Support Program Development

       J. Malmqvist, M. Arehag

Helping Engineering Educators Reflect On and Adapt to Changing Contexts

       M. Christie

Implementing Design-Build Projects: Skills Development By Faculty Through Case Analysis

       I. Claeys, I. D’haese

Integrating CDIO Experiences into a New Program Environment

       J. Lundblad, L. Kari, S. Östlund

Integrating Risk Concepts into Undergraduate Engineering Courses

       N. Stacey, J. Williamson, G. Schleyer, R. Duan, R. Taylor

Large Scale Use of the CDIO Syllabus in Formulation of Program and Course Goals

       S. Gunnarsson, I. Wiklund, T. Svensson, A. Kindgren, S. Granath

Methodological Innovation in Electrical Engineering Department "Control Systems" Course

       D. Sáez, R. Uribe

Multidisciplinary Project-Based Product Development Learning in Collaboration with Industry

       F. Berglund, H. Johannesson, G. Gustafsson

Product Innovation Engineering Program: Utilizing Student Ideas in Higher Education

       M. Grimheden, M. Bergendahl, J. Wikander

Redesign of an Engineering Curriculum Based on Four Integrated Learning Projects

       C. Fortin, B. Sanschagrin, G. Cloutier, G. Huet

Stakeholder Expectations of Learning in First-Year Project-Based Courses

       E. Crawley, D. Soderholm

Teaching Lean Thinking Principles Through Hands-On Simulations

       H. McManus, E. Rebentisch, A. Stanke

The Experience of Teaching Software Development in a Robotics Project Course

       N. Roy, J. Leonard, U. O’Reilly, D. Rus, S. Teller

The Goals of Engineering Education: A Rationale for a Universal Document Based on the CDIO Syllabus and The Taxonomy of Engineering Competencies

       L. Woollacott

The Route Towards a Sustainable Design-Implement Course

       S. Hallström, J. Kuttenkeuler, K. Edström

The Systematic Development of a New Introductory Course

       C. McCartan, G. Cunningham, E. Bernard, F. Buchanan, M. McAfee, R. Kenny

The Use of International Development Type Projects in CDIO Programs

       P. Oosthuizen, U. Wyss

The Use of Learning Styles as a Tool for Curriculum and Personal Development

       J. Hermon

To Rescue Eggs: A Design-Build-Test Experience for Children

       P. Träff, M. Knutson Wedel, G. Gustafsson, J. Malmqvist

Towards CDIO-Based B. Eng. Studies at the Technical University of Denmark

       J. Sparsø, P. Klit, M. May, G. Mohr, M. Vigild

Towards the Systematic Definition of Project-Based Design Modules

       V. Agouridas

Using Rubrics to Assess the Development of CDIO Syllabus Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes at the 2.X.X. Level

       D. Boden, P. Gray

What Competencies Should Engineering Programs Emphasize? A Meta-Analysis of Practitioners' Opinions Informs Curricular Design

       H. Passow