An Integrated Curriculum, Learning Assessment and Program Evaluation Model

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

Electronics engineering program at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota- Colombia has been renovated following the guidelines of the CDIO philosophy. Currently, as a result of this process, a five years comprehensive and flexible curriculum is being implemented, based on the guidelines of the twelve CDIO standards. This curriculum reform is part of the strategies of continuous and systematic reflection and improvement of the School of Engineering and; it is consistent with competitive schemes of quality with positive impact in the country. This paper describes tools generated to evaluate the CDIO Program in Electronics engineering. Initially, we describe the process of curricular integration, preliminary objectives for each year, the incorporation of CDIO skills in courses in accordance with the proficiency defined in the curriculum proposal and the gradual progression in learning along the five years of the program. Then, we describe the construction of holistic rubrics which validate the competence level reached by the students at the end of each year. Finally, we propose a model that relates the learning assessment for each course with the holistic rubrics; the latter provide the measure of value of the skills and knowledge achieved by students in a cohort and during an established academic term. The development of holistic rubrics for each year of the program took into account the gradual progression in learning. This gradual structure was proposed in the conception and design of the curricular structure according to Benjamín Bloom's cognitive taxonomy and David R. Krathwohl’s affective taxonomy. These assessment strategies are essential for the School of Engineering in adjusting of the processes derived from the curriculum reform, and for the planning of the fourth national certification in 2020 and ABET international accreditation in 2015.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

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