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Follow the lectures via zoom: The PRAMECO Project - Learning-centred Development of Safe and Cost-efficient Virtual Laboratories

Welcome to register for the CDIO Seminar: The PRAMECO Project - Learning-centred Development of Safe and Cost-efficient Virtual Laboratories

27 September 2022, 09:30 - 16:00

This seminar presents results from the PRAMECO project, an Erasmus+ funded project carried out in collaboration between HAW Hamburg, Turku UAS, Chalmers, and Taltech.

CDIO Syllabus 3.0 published

In June 2022, the CDIO Council adopted the latest version of the CDIO Syllabus, v 3.0.

This latest version deepens and expands the coverage of sustainability, digitalization and acceleration in the Syllabus. It also draws up experiences from the application of the CDIO Syllabus at CDIO member universities.

You can read more about the evolution of the CDIO Syllabus and access the CDIO Syllabus v 3.0 at:


CDIO Initiative Vision and Mission Statements

The CDIO community has made a concerted effort to rephrase the vision and mission statements for the CDIO Initiative in line with today's ambitions and strategy. At the June 2021 meeting they have been adopted by the CDIO Council as follows:


Vision statement

“To be the leading worldwide collaborative network for innovative engineering education to produce responsible engineers who make a difference in the world through innovation and creative workable solutions”


CDIO welcomes University of Hertfordshire, region UK & Ireland

CDIO council has accepted

University of Hertfordshire - region UK & Ireland

as new member of the worldwide CDIO collaborative. 


What goals do you hope to achieve by becoming a member of the CDIO collaborative?

It is hoped that the CDIO strategy, which is central to our revised degrees, will give rise to the following:

1.  Student motivation and engagement

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