Developing Tools for the Evaluation of Knowledge Building in Industrial Robotics Students

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

This paper describes how to evaluate experiencing knowledge construction processes in simulation research of robotic manipulators by students taking the “Foundations of Industrial Robotics” course, starting from the design and implementation of a simulation environment of actual robotic manipulators. In general, this research proposal favors inductive learning and learning from guided discovery by the students, ensuring the design and experimentation of a number of didactic situations that will allow the students to build their own knowledge. That is why this research proposal considers the cognitivist theories of teaching and learning, demanding –by the students– greater activity of an intellectual character and sharpening their sensory characteristics. Within this context, the errors made during this learning process are seen as an important factor in the knowledge construction process, because being wrong invites the students to motivate themselves to try different solution alternatives. Therefore, some of the learning situations that will be studied in this proposal are the following:

• Integration of different areas of knowledge, since robotics is a multidisciplinary science. • Operations with manipulable objects, favoring going from the abstract to the concrete. • Appropriation of graphic language as if it were mathematical language. • Operation and control of different variables in a synchronic manner. • Development of systemic thought. • Constructing and testing the students' own knowledge acquisition strategies by means of pedagogical orientation.

KEYWORDS: Didactics, educational robotics, interactive learning, simulation environment, ICT.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

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