
The challenges of regional economy and industry high demand in the engineering personnel caused the need of Bachelor‘s Chemistry program reforming in accordance with the best international practices. The study of industry needs for the formation of learning outcomes was carried out by questioning of the graduates and the largest companies that employed them. The questionnaire for employers consisted of general cultural and professional learning outcomes with the expected and real level. The research results have showed that personal qualities and teamwork skills take the first place among employers. Nevertheless, communication skills, design, planning and organization of the industrial enterprise, as well asexternal and social context have received the lowest assessment level of graduates and employers. The curriculum development process is related to the first 5 CDIO standards. In order to meet Standard 1, it was stated that the Chemistry program curriculum is based on the CDIO framework as a context for industrial engineering education. To implement the Standard 2 and 3, graduate attributes were determined for the purpose of practice-oriented learning. Graduate attributes correspond with the set of knowledge and skills of CDIO Syllabus and learning outcomes. The next important stage of the work was the curriculum reforming in accordance with the graduate attributes and the learning outcomes (Standards 4-5). Thus relevant competencies of the Chemistry educational standard were compared to the attributes and the analysis of the disciplines that form these competences was carried out. As a result of the work, 25 new disciplines were introduced corresponding to the most demanded learning outcomes, 40% of curriculum was reformed, the modular approach and the practical-oriented activity were integrated. 

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