Key factors affecting knowledge transfer success in CDIO project designation


ABSTRACT Through the intensive involvement of implication CDIO in teaching procedure, more specific projects are designed to fulfill specific training purpose including knowledge transferring, team-working, practical application etc. Based on theory of knowledge transfer, Structural Equation Model is built for measuring students’ achieving level corresponding to different impact factor. Each impact factor is delineated as model and related hypotheses, including knowledge context, relational context, recipient context and activity context. The factors are : Whether theoretical analysis project is better than practical application project for knowledge transferring? Whether project for small group rather than project for single student is better for knowledge transferring? Hierarchical regression analysis is used to analyze the data from collected survey questionnaire of 200 senior engineering students in Digital Image Processing class. Besides this, academic score is also involved for quantitative accessment. Key word CDIO, Knowledge transfer; Project designation;

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

Wu Xiang, Qiuyan Gai, Minguan Xie, Qian Wu and Xi Wu
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Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014