2020 16th International CDIO Conference, Chalmers UT, Sweden

Here you can find the complete presentation of "Never Waste a Good Crisis" by Aldert Kamp: https://www.aldertkamp.nl/references

Due to COVID-19 - The 16th International CDIO Conference will be hosted on-line, by Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology invites to the 16th International CDIO Conference, June 8-10, 2020. 

We offer an exciting and stimulating program featuring keynote talks, paper presentation sessions, roundtable sessions and CDIO regional meetings. The conference will be hosted online, on the Zoom platform. The daily program runs for three hours (13-16 Central European Summer Time), scheduled to accommodate participation from different time zones across the world.

In one keynote talk, Ed Crawley will outline the main ideas in the new book Universities as Engines of Economic Development – Making Knowledge Exchange Work (co-authored with Kristina Edström and others). In another, Kristina Edström, Johan Malmqvist and Anders Rosén will discuss the updates included in the CDIO standards 3.0.

About 70 papers will be presented in parallel sessions. Papers and presentations will be available on the conference website prior to the sessions, enabling participants to prepare in advance. During the session, the key points of each paper will be summarized in a 3-minute talk, but the main focus of the sessions will be on discussion.

Finally, a roundtable session will be devoted to sharing of newly developed online learning teaching and learning activities, with particular focus on the shift to a more blended future – reporting on learning lessons from our rapid emergency response but also looking forward to a ‘new normal’ with regards to pedagogy and practicality.

We expect a very interesting conference. Participation in the conference is free-of-charge and does not require registration. We welcome members of the CDIO community as well as others with an interest in engineering education development.


Johan Malmqvist

See the conference program here.

Find the recordings from the zoom-sessions here: https://chalmersuniversity.box.com/s/dblcd2eqy9fy2by89e593bemmqap6sab

More information about key-note talks can be found here:

Introductory Speech - Never Waste A Good Crisis by Aldert Kamp and Helene Leong:


Making Knowledge Exchange Work - 11 Effective Practices for Universities by Edward F. Crawley:


CDIO Standards 3.0 - Updates to the CDIO Framework by Kristina Edström, Johan Malmqvist, Matt Murphy and Anders Rosén:


Roundtable session - Towards a More Blended Learning Future: Good Practice and Lessons Learnt from Our Covid-19 Response by Matt Murphy, Petros Siegkas and Anna Rosengren:



The complete list of conference papers can be found here:



Would you like to use the official conference zoom-background as you present? Click on this link to download it: https://chalmersuniversity.box.com/s/8kef31pg9vi9wftvfbldk2gv77n2thcz



Online conference
SE-41296 Gothenburg

CDIO Office / Chalmers University of Technology
Johan Malmqvist