Five new schools - Welcome!

It is our pleasure to inform you that the International CDIO Council has accepted 5 new members!


University of Twente, the Netherlands

About the school

The University of Twente is a research intensive university, located in the east of the Netherlands, with approximately 9.500 students and 3000 staff members (support and academic). While the university is known as a technical university and a member of the 4TU federation (, social sciences programmes like communication science and business administration are also part of the university’s offer. 

What goals do you hope to achieve?

By joining the CDIO initiative we hope to further fine-tune our TEM model by using the CDIO standards and improve on points that have lower scores in the self-evaluation, such as enhancement of faculty competence to better support our module design teams.
Strongly related to this is the goal to further develop and improve our bachelor programmes and their modules by exchanging knowledge and ideas with peers facing the same educational challenges such as integration of math education, group assessment versus individual assessment and engaging students.
Participation in CDIO events and site visits to other CDIO members contribute to the goal of further professionalization and inspiration of our teaching staff.
A goal for the (near) future is to investigate whether the CDIO approach could also be implemented in the master programmes. Seeing examples from educational practice from other institutions who have already implemented the CDIO approach or specific components of it in their master would be helpful.
Finally, we aim to generate more possibilities for exchange of students and lecturing with our CDIO partners.


Surgut State University - SurSU, Russia 

About the school

Surgut State University (SurSU) is located in the city of Surgut in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (KMAO), region in Western Siberia. The university was established in 1993 upon the initiative of the KMAO Government.  

SurSU is comprised of six educational institutes and one research institute with 700 academic and teaching staff. There are over 7500 undergraduates, graduate and postgraduate students at the university. SurSU provides a number of undergraduate, master and postgraduate programs, in the following areas: science, law, economy and management, engineering, medicine and humanities. The University cooperates with Surgut secondary schools and provides them with learning courses in programming, operating systems administrating, chemistry, and electrical engineering. 

What goals do you hope to achieve?

  • improve the quality of engineering education;
  • boost the demand for alumni at the local, regional and national enterprises;
  • improve University image among the companies;
  • ensure attraction of resources from companies interested in hiring, training and retraining of engineers;
  • establish better links with local and Russian industries interested in highly competent technical specialists;
  • enhance academic staff competencies (personal, interpersonal, product and system building skills) and teaching skills;
  • learn about new approaches and methods of engineering education;
  • enhance students’ interest in engineering education;
  • establish partnerships with other members of the CDIO Initiative;
  • develop international educational programs compliant with CDIO standards;
  • find international partners for the implementation of Double Degree programs, and joint projects in the area of research (for example under the 7th Framework program) and education (for example, under Erasmus+).
  • involve experts from the regional enterprises into engineering education programs.


Bulacan State University BulSU, Philippines

About the school

Bulacan State University (BulSU) is a state-funded institution of higher learning established in 1904 and converted into a university in 1993 by virtue of Republic Act 7665. The University in mandated to provide higher professional/technical and special instruction for special purpose and to promote research and extension services, advanced studies and extension services, advanced studies and progressive leadership in Engineering, Architecture, Education, Art and Science, Fine Arts, Information Technology, Technical courses, Commerce, Agriculture, Forestry, Medicine, Law, Public Administration, Fishery, Leather Technology and other courses as circumstance warrants. The University today offers degree programs in the fields of Engineering, Industrial Technology, Arts and Science, Education, Architecture, Fine Arts, Information Technology, Law, Business and Management, Public Administration and Health Care.

BulSU is envisioning a progressive knowledge generating institution globally recognized for excellent instruction, pioneering research, and responsive community engagements. In carrying out its mission, the university exists to produce highly competent, ethical and service-oriented professionals that contribute to the sustainable socio-economic growth and development of the nation.

What goals do you hope to achieve?

The following are goals that we want to achieve:

  1. Update the engineering curricula with CDIO as a reference model towards its full implementation in August 2018 for BSMEE, BSECE & BSEE Programs.
  2. Conduct CDIO & DT cascading program this year and thereafter.
  3. Continue to host Learning Express (LeX) with Singapore Polytechnic (SP).
  4. Run CDIO projects jointly. i.e CD in BSU, I in other university and O in the community.
  5. Collaborate with other Philippine Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) to promote the CDIO Initiatives.
  6. To spearhead the CDIO initiative in the Philippines.
  7. Prepare documents for program accreditation by the Philippine Technological Council – Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (PTC-ACBET) with CDIO as a reference model.


Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile

About the school (in Spanish)

La Universidad de Los Lagos es una institución de educación superior de carácter estatal, autónoma y regional, fundada el año 1993 y acreditada por la Comisión Nacional de Acreditación de Chile. Cuenta con campus en las ciudades de Osorno (Casa Central) y Puerto Montt y sedes en las ciudades de Santiago y Castro (Isla de Chiloé).

Tal como se establece en la misión institucional, la Universidad de Los Lagos se orienta a la formación de profesionales y técnicos,  al desarrollo de investigación científica básica y aplicada  y a contribuir  en su entorno significante, a través de la difusión de las artes, la cultura y el conocimiento científico generado.

En lo que a formación de ingenieros se refiere cuenta con los programas de Ingeniería Ambiental, Ingeniería en Alimentos, Ingeniería Civil Industrial e Ingeniería Civil en Informática. Los programas de Ingeniería Civil Industrial e Informática han trabajado en la implementación de los estándares CDIO desde el año 2011, buscando con ello mejorar la formación de sus futuros ingenieros.

What goals do you hope to achieve? (in Spanish)

  1. Formulación de convenios de cooperación en docencia en educación superior, proyectos de investigación disciplinares y multidisciplinares.
  2. Buscar posibilidades de perfeccionamiento docente y estudiantil para nuestras carreras dentro de la red CDIO.
  3. Tener un sello de calidad en la formación de Ingenieros Civiles de la Universidad de Los Lagos, respaldado por la red CDIO.
  4. Cumplir con la totalidad de los estándares CDIO.


Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP, Chile

About the school

With a track record extending over almost 50 years, INACAP has been a fundamental pillar in the formation of the professionals Chile needs and in making decisive contributions to the development of the country.

We started in 1966 as a training center for workers. Currently, we are a leading education institution with 26 campuses extending from Arica on the north to Punta Arenas on the south, with over 123,000 students and an academic offering of nearly 82 professional and technical study degree programs.

More the University was registered as a legal entity in 1991 and obtained its autonomy in 2001, underwent a process of substantial transformation and significant development as of August 2005, in that year, the Corporation National Institute of Professional Training was integrated to the university activity through the current Technological University of Chile INACAP, defining a new educational project, which marked the beginning of our University.

What goals do you hope to achieve?

At first, achieving Learning Outcomes and an Integrated Curriculum.

Implementing the CDIO initiative in the curriculum design process of engineering programs from Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP and disseminating the results. With this purpose, we intend to involve diverse actors such as the senior leadership, scholars, students, graduates and representatives of the industry with which this university has signed collaboration agreements. 

