Capstone Design - Experience with Industry Based Projects


As with most engineering schools, the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston, has a final year capstone design course. Since 1998, capstone projects have involved teams of students working on industry-based problems. This paper summarizes the experience of current and past course coordinators with the university-industry component, comments on how the Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) elements of the design cycle are handled, and discusses the implications of the two term structure of the course. The first term course MECH 460 Team Project – Conceive and Design is mandatory for all students. The second term course MECH 462 Team Project – Implement and Operate is optional. This paper was presented at the CDIO Annual Conference, 06-09 June 2005, Kingston, Ontario. They are posted here by permission of the author(s).
