Development of Three Bachelor Programs at Linkoping University According to CDIO


Linkoping University has been participating in the CDIO Initiative from the beginning (2000), through the Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering program (Y). The board of the Faculty of Technology decided in August 2004 to introduce the CDIO concept for three programmes at the Bachelor level starting from the academic year 2005/2006. These programmes are Electrical Systems Engineering (ES), Media and Communication Technology (MK) and Logistics Engineering (TL). Two of the programmes (MK and TL) represent new areas for CDIO at Linköping University.

The development of programmes according to the CDIO Standards and CDIO Syllabus is a major task. Therefore the Board of Studies for the Engineering Programmes at Bachelor level has formed a special reference group with members from the faculty, the industry and the student group. This paper was presented at the CDIO Annual Conference, 06-09 June 2005, Kingston, Ontario. They are posted here by permission of the author(s).

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