Raee Accreditation Criteria And Cdio Syllabus: Comparative Analysis


The paper focuses on the comparative analysis of the Russian Association for Engineering Education (RAEE) accreditation criteria and CDIO Syllabus requirements. The RAEE is responsible for professional accreditation of engineering programs in Russia and is striving for international recognition of the Russian accredited programs and graduates’ qualifications. The CDIO INITIATIVE is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers. The comparative analysis of CDIO Syllabus and RAEE Criterion 5 for accreditation of Bachelor engineering educational programs in Russian technical universities is worth considerable attention.

The analysis shows entire consentaneity or principal equivalence of the RAEE Criterion 5 requirements for Bachelor’s competencies and CDIO Syllabus topics. Special emphasis is placed on both RAEE Criteria and CDIO Syllabus when designing curriculum for engineering programs at Russian HEIs. The paper aims to illuminate the experience of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. Advancement of engineering education is a challenging task to implement the strategy of economy modernization and technological development in Russia subsequently bringing it to the best international standards. 


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