Workshop on Implementing Communication Activities in Engineering Education – Integrating Content and Language

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

This workshop aims to establish the main aspects of incorporating CDIO Syllabus 3.2 Communication in engineering education. Various aspects of communication and writing in the disciplines have been central to the CDIO initiative since the start. However, to institutions new to CDIO, this may not be as well-known. Therefore, this workshop will investigate some of the reasons for having communication education in engineering disciplines. These reasons include writing as a cognitive tool, writing for disciplinary socialisation, and, of course, writing to communicate disciplinary knowledge.

In the workshop, we will look at how communication (writing and speaking) can be implemented and integrated in different types of courses and student projects. We will also look at how such learning activities can be designed to meet assessable learning outcomes while at the same time scaffolding content knowledge-building and professionalization.

Curriculum design and progression of learning sequences are also important aspects of integrating and designing learning activities around writing and speaking in engineering programmes and this is something that will be addressed in the workshop.

Participants in the workshop will be able to work on existing communication activities in their respective engineering programmes, or on potential learning activities that can be implemented as new components in an engineering programme. Thereby, the workshop is designed to cater for both those who have worked extensively with CDIO-implementation as well as for those whose institutions are new members in the CDIO initiative.

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

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